
Bodleian Law Library

Website of the Bodleian Law Library at the University of Oxford. The Library’s collections cover many different jurisdictions, focusing on the law of the UK, the Commonwealth, the US, European countries and the EU; it also has substantial collections of materials on public and private international law, legal history, jurisprudence, Roman law and criminology. The website provides information about the collections, electronic resources and services, as well as a set of research guides and access to the online catalogue.

LSE Library

Website of the London School of Economics (LSE) Library, otherwise known as the British Library of Political and Economic Science. The Library's collections of social science materials are of recognised national and international importance. They cover politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, government and social policy, worldwide, from before the 19th Century to the present day. The LSE website provides access to the Library's catalogue as well as information about services, collections and facilities.

IALS Library

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies was founded in 1947 as part of the University of London, but with a national role. It promotes and facilitates advanced study and research in law for the benefit of persons and institutions in the UK and abroad. The Institute library has particular strengths in foreign, comparative and international law, reflected in the resources offered by the website. The site makes available the Library's online catalogue, information aimed at LLM students and a selection of legal research guides arranged by subject and jurisdiction.

Law Library Microform Consortium

The Law Library Microform Consortium (LLMC) is a non-profit, library cooperative based at the University of Hawaii in the United States. The LLMC was founded in 1976 and provides a subscription service giving access to legal and government publications in microfiche format and digitally online. The site has online catalogues listing the titles offered in microfiche format. These include US federal and state legal materials, US military law, canon law, Anglo-American legal periodicals, Anglo-American legal treatises and a collection of native American legal materials.

National Institute of Corrections Library

This site provides access to the library of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) which is an agency of the US Department of Justice. The library contains books, journals, newsletters and video and audio tapes along with unpublished materials produced by correctional agencies and all NIC publications. These materials include research reports and analyses, program descriptions and evaluations and training materials. The catalogue can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject heading.

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