
Constitution of Morocco

This site contains the full-text PDF of the Constitution of Morocco as adopted on 13th September 1996. The information is made freely available on the website of the T.C Williams School of Law at the University of Richmond in the United States and is supplied by the Morocco Ministry of Communication. The document is in English and details the functions and powers of the main branches of government including the executive, legislative, parliament and the judiciary. It also establishes the the human and civil rights of the individual citizens of Morocco.

Constitution of Portugal

The text of the 1976 Portuguese Constitution updated to 1989, provided in English by the International Constitutional Law (ICL) project at the University of Bern in Switzerland.The site also offers brief historical information about the constitution. There are links to information about constitutional revisions on Portuguese websites.

Constitution of Libya

Website containing an English translation of the 1969 Constitution of Libya made freely available by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The constitution outlines the functions and powers of the judicial, executive and legislative functions of government. It also details the individual rights and responsibilities of the citizen. There is background information on the history of the Constitution. The site also contains a copy of the Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People.

British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission Legislation Library

British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI-FSC) website provides access to full-text legislation dealing with banking, finance, business, insurance and money laundering issues. The legislation can be browsed or searched using the site search engine. It is also possible to specify which division the legislation relates to such as banking and fiduciary, shipping, insurance or investment. Legislation is presented in full-text in PDF format.

Legal Framework of the European Central Bank

The European Central Bank (ECB) makes available on its website a collection of documents which constitute its legal framework. Included in the collection are the relevant EU primary legislation (EC Treaty, EU Treaty and so on); the Statute of the ECB and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks; the ECB rules of procedure and other institutional provisions; and legal provisions relating to the ECB's operations (monetary policy, payment and settlement systems, banknotes and coins, foreign exchange etc.). In addition, all the ECB's legal opinions are provided.

Mexican Laws

Mexican Laws is a subscription service supplying English translations of Mexican laws including regulations, decrees and standards. Legal areas covered by the service include health and safety, environmental law, labour law, social security, customs, import/export, transport, health and agriculture law. A selection of free articles and guides are also available on the site including an online newsletter which provides information on recent developments in Mexican law.

Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties

Online version of a seven volume collection of laws and treaties relating to Native American Indian tribes compiled by Charles J. Kappler and made freely available by the Oklahoma State University Library. The site includes U.S. Government treaties with Native Americans from 1778 to 1883 and U.S. laws and executive orders relating to Native Americans from 1871 to 1970. Each volume can be browsed using the table of contents or index. The full-text can be viewed in HTML and JPEG images are provided of the original pages.

Biological Weapons Convention: Collection of National Implementation Legislation

Collection of information about national legislation implementing the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The information is compiled by VERTIC, a non-governmental organisation specialising in the verification and monitoring of international agreements. The collection consists of an alphabetical list of countries; for each, it gives details of relevant laws, with the full text where available.

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