

JURN is a database providing access to free full text articles, chapters, books and university repositories, covering a wide range of academic subjects including law. JURN was created and is curated and maintained by David Haden, a British teacher with twelve years of experience. The site has a directory of the journals included on JURN and a blog dating back to 2009 when the database started. FAQs provide guidance on searching and information on the resources covered.

Bilateral Labor Agreements Dataset

This dataset, created by a team at the University of Chicago, documents bilateral employment treaties signed between 1945 and 2015 (version 1) and 1945 and 2020 (version 2). The website consists of a graphic showing the number of Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs), followed by a short paragraph describing the background of the project, and then information on the dataset, which is freely available to download at the base of the webpage.

ICSID Databases

This part of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) website provides access to a range of databases maintained by the ICSID. There is a database of member states which gives details of signatories to the ICSID Convention, a searchable database of cases administered by ICSID and a directory of arbitrators and conciliators appointed to the ICSID Panels. There is a database listing bilateral investment treaties searchable by signatory states, treaty and year of signature. The treaty text isn’t given.

Council of Europe: Evaluation of Judicial Systems (CEPEJ-STAT)

CEPEJ-STAT is a database developed by the Council of Europe’s European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). It allows users to find and compare data on the efficiency, quality and effectiveness of the judicial systems of Council of Europe member states. Ir includes information on the budgets of the judicial systems in individual member states, gender equality and use of information technology in the courts. The database is updated every two years. The CEPEJ-STAT website also provides supporting documentation on the methodology and data collection.

Global Brand Database

The Global Brand Database is an online resource made freely available by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It is intended to be the first step in researching whether a trade mark already exists. The database includes trademarks, appellations of origin, armorial bearings, flags and other state emblems protected in various countries around the world. The names, abbreviations and emblems of intergovernmental organisations are also included. Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle: marques, brevets, sociétés, dessins, modèles

Inpi is a French public body with responsibility for industrial and intellectual property. It helps to formulate public policy on intellectual property in France, and it registers and grants patents, trademarks, models and designs. One of its aims is to publish information on industrial property in France. The databases provided on this website include trademarks, patents, designs, models and many decisions of the French courts dealing with intellectual property. The BOPI, Bulletins Officiels de la Propriété Industrielle, are also available.

Texts adopted by the Congress of local and regional authorities

Collection of legal texts adopted by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) and its forerunner, the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. The Congress is an institution of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the texts are on the CoE website. The collection comprises: resolutions and opinions (1957- ); conventions and charters; recommendations (1994 - ); the Council of Ministers' replies to recommendations (2003 - ); and the final declarations adopted at the close of international conferences and meetings.

Expert Witness Website

The Expert Witness website provides a searchable online directory of experts and organisations. The directory covers England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, India and South East Asia. Full entries provide information about the individual or organisation and include contact details. The directory can be searched using a simple keyword or advanced search option.

Canadian Trademarks Database

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office's Canadian Trademarks Database enables users to search for all active and many inactive trademarks in Canada along with words and designs that are not strictly trademarks. Keywords can be used in a variety of search fields including owner name, trademark description and registration number. Trademarks can also be searched by date, category and status. Records can be downloaded in full and there is guidance on searching the database. Users can search either an English or French language version of the same database.

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