
European Free Trade Association - (EFTA)

EFTA was founded in 1960 with the purpose of removing trade barriers between its member nations. Currently these are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The website provides information on the EFTA Secretariat, EFTA Surveillance Authority and EFTA Court. The Secretariat section includes information on the purpose and structure of EFTA as well as its annual reports and recent press releases. Also accessible are the Stockholm Convention and fact sheets on the relationship between EFTA and the European Economic Area (EEA).

Union of International Associations (UIA)

The Union of International Associations was founded in 1907. It is an independent non-governmental organisation which aims to facilitate the evolution of a worldwide network of non-profit organisations. It promotes research on the legal and political problems facing these bodies. The UIA website has information on the purpose of the organisation, a list of members, and details of UIA publications, including reports, research studies and guidelines for NGO action. There is also a news section.

Egale Canada

Egale is a civil rights group which is campaigning for equal rights for gay, lesbians and homosexuals in Canada. Key topics of concern include same-sex marriage rights and employment equality. The website includes details of the aims of the organisation and its current campaigns. It also offers news stories relating to Canadian legal developments, significant court cases and rulings. Information is offered in English or French.

Association des Cours Constitutionnelles Ayant en Partage l'Usage du Français

The ACCPUF (Association des Cours Constitutionnelles Ayant en Partage l'Usage du Français) exists to develop communications and cooperation between Francophone jurisdictions. It carries out its aim by organising conferences, providing training, issuing publications and giving technical assistance, all on the subject of constitutional law. Member countries include Canada, France, Belgium, and Francophone countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Pacific Maritime Association

The Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) negotiates and administer maritime labour agreements with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). Members consist of American flag operators, foreign flag operators, and stevedore and terminal companies that operate in California, Oregon, and Washington ports. The Association's website provides a Resource Library and information for ILWU Longshore Employees. It also has dispatch summaries, press releases and safety bulletins.

London Maritime Arbitrators Association

Contained on the site is information about the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), including the LMAA terms (2006); small claims procedures; FALCA (fast and low cost arbitration) terms and notes; the Arbitration Act 2006; Mediation terms; details on becoming a member of the Association and directory of members. The site also has summaries of awards; information about forthcoming events and links to related sites.

Sports Lawyers Association

The Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) is a US-based non-profit international professional organisation. Its website has details about the association and its officers, conferences and publications, including The Sports Lawyer Journal and a sports law blog. Some areas of the site are restricted to members only; this includes pages providing specimen contracts and agreements.

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