
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

Non-profit organisation dedicated to the development of intellectual property laws. Founded in 1897, AIPPI is a global association for IP lawyers, patent and trademark professionals, judges, engineers and scientists. It carries out studies of national legislation and makes recommendations for harmonisation of laws at the international level. The AIPPI website includes a library of more than 3,500 publications and provides news and details of the association’s events

African Institute of International Law

The African Institute of International Law (AIIL) promotes the dissemination of international law in Africa and seeks to enhance the rule of law in Africa. Its website gives details of AIIL workshops, summer schools, capacity-building projects and other events. It also makes available the African Law Series: compilations of African legal instruments including AU/OAU treaties, declarations and resolutions (see Media Center – Resources).

European Criminal Law Association

Website of the European Criminal Law Association (ECLA) (UK) a membership organisation of lawyers and academics concerned with the development of criminal law in Europe. The ECLA was previously known as the Association to Combat Fraud in Europe. A selection of reports and articles by members of ECLA are made freely available on the site. These deal with issues including organised crime, corruption, law enforcement and Brexit. Details of past and future events are also given along with a list of committee members and a copy of the ECLA constitution.

Association of African Law Library and Information Professionals

The Association of African Law Library and Information Professionals connects African legal information professionals and legal information institutions across Africa. Their aim is to support legal research and promote legal information awareness across the continent by building up a network of individual and institutional members. The website contains information about the association and their aims, membership information and a blog with the latest news about AfLLIP, as well as the latest developments in legal information across Africa.

World Association for Medical Law

Website of the World Association for Medical Law (WAML) an organisation established in 1967 to “encourage the study and discussion of health law, legal medicine and ethics, for the benefit of society and the advancement of human rights”. WAML is a membership organisation based at the University of Ghent in Belgium. It organises regular conferences and events and publishes Medicine and Law an international journal dealing with medico legal issues. There is also a newsletter available from 2009 to 2014 (thereafter available to members only). A page of related web links is also given.

European Consortium for Church and State Research

The European Consortium for Church and State Research is an organisation of academics from across Europe with an interest in ecclesiastical law. The purpose of the Consortium is to promote the “development of studies of Ecclesiastical Law and of the relations between states and religious confessions in Europe”. The Consortium holds annual meetings the proceedings of which are made available on the site. Meetings in recent years have focused on law and religion in the workplace, religious adjudication and the state and public authorities and the training of religious personnel in Europe.

Free Access to Law Movement (FALM)

The Free Access to Law Movement is a global association of organisations involved in the free dissemination of legal information, such as the Australasian Legal Information Institute and the British and Irish Legal Information Institute. FALM’s website provides the text of the Declaration on Free Access to Law, minutes of meetings and details of FALM’s ‘Law via the Internet’ conferences. There is also a link to the Journal of Open Access to Law, which is affiliated with FALM.

European Air Law Association (EALA)

The European Air Law Association (EALA) is a membership body concerned with the study and development of air law in Europe. Members are drawn from academics, industry professionals (airlines, aerospace manufacturers etc.) and national and EU officials. EALA holds regular conferences and seminars focusing on issues relating to all aspects of the air transport sector. Information on events and details of committee members are provided on the site.

Canon Law Society of America

Website of the Canon Law Society of America (CLSA) a professional association “dedicated to the promotion of both the study and application of canon law in the Catholic Church”. The CLSA was formed in 1939 and the website provides information on the governors and committees of the society. The CLSA constitution and by-laws are also provided along with full text copies of the online newsletter available back to 2003. CLSA members provide advisory opinions on the Code of Canon Law and canonical issues which can be downloaded from the site.

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