
Yap state court decisions

Forming part of the PACLII website, this database contains electronic versions of selected decisions of the Yap State court in Micronesia. Cases can be browsed by year or alphabetically, or the ‘search databases’ link can be followed to allow for searching across the dataset.

Nigeria Law

Website publishing judicial information and legal materials relating to the law of Nigeria. The site was set up by the International Centre for Nigerian Law, in association with the chambers of E.C.M. Obata. It carries the texts of the Nigerian Constitution, selected legislation (1990-2006, if still in force) and an index of laws from 1990 to 2000. The Law Reporting page carries judgments of the Supreme Court from 1909 onwards (incomplete). General information is provided about the Supreme Court, high courts and Court of Appeal.

Cases of the CISG

Database of more than 2000 cases and arbitration decisions brought under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG). The information is provided by Pace Institute of International Commercial Law at Pace University in the US. The database can be browsed by jurisdiction and there is also a search facility. A large amount of complementary information is also available, including the legislative history of the Convention; case law yearbooks; and scholarly commentary.

CISG database

A collection of materials relating to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), provided on the web by the Pace Institute of International Commercial Law. An annotated text of the CISG is available, together with a database of case law, scholarly commentary, guidance on applying the Convention and other information.

Supreme Court of Delaware

Official website of the Supreme Court of the US State of Delaware. The site offers information about the Court's history, judges and committees. Copies of the Supreme Court rules and administrative directives can be downloaded from the site. Supreme Court orders and opinions are available on the site back to 2000 and can also be downloaded in full text.

Wisconsin Court System

Official Internet site for the Court System in the US Sate of Wisconsin. The site outlines the history and workings of the state courts and offers access to documents released by the Courts, including Court opinions from the Wisconsin Supreme Court (September 1995 onwards), Wisconsin Court of Appeals (June 1995 onwards), Circuit Courts and Municipal Courts. A search form faciliates specific field searches of the opinions database. There is information on judicial education, forms to download and services aimed at jurors, the public, attorneys and judges.

Supreme Court of Tasmania Decisions

Decisions of the Supreme Court of Tasmania made freely available on the AustLII website. This AustLII database contains full-text decisions from 1987 onwards as selected and provided by the Supreme Court of Tasmania. Decisions can be browsed by date or name and searched using the AustLII search engine. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney.

Indigenous Bar Association

Website of the Indigenous Bar Association (IBA), an organisation based in Ontario, Canada which represents aboriginal lawyers and provides a forum for discussing developments in indigenous law. Membership is drawn from judges, academics, consultants and students. The website includes organisational information and details of the objectives and by-laws of the IBA. It also makes available the IBA's newsletters and conference reports, together with information about the National Secretariat Against Hate and Racism in Canada.

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