
ASEAN Law Association

Website of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Law Association, a non-governmental professional organisation which brings together members of the legal profession in ASEAN countries. The site provides historical and organisational information about the ALA. Publications and speeches of members from the various countries can be freely downloaded.

Asia Legal Information Network

The Asia Legal Information Network (ALIN) was set up by the Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) in 2003 as a voluntary network of governmental, academic and research organisations willing to provide access to legal information and resources managed by each of them. ALIN offers a small collection of articles, laws, regulations and conference papers. Some resources are restricted to members only.

Vietnamese Legal Translations

Web page from Australian based law firm Allens which provides English translations of Vietnamese laws. This is a subscription service but a selection of Vietnamese laws translated into English are made freely available on the site.  Translations include laws on enterprises, investments, securities, cybersecurity, competition, bankruptcy, construction, land and the Labour Code.

Vietnamese Benchbook online

Online version of the Benchbook of the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam, provided by AsianLII (the Asian Legal Information Institute). Published in 2008, the Benchbook is a manual for judges and it includes guidance for dealing with different types of cases in court. The book is organised in five parts: the role and functions of the People's Courts, the judges and assessors; the procedure for the hearing of criminal cases; the procedure for resolving civil cases; procedures for resolving administrative cases and for dealing with bankruptcy.

Exploitation of women and children: a comparative study of human trafficking laws between the United States-Mexico and China-Vietnam

Online guide by Christina T. Le, Judicial Law Clerk to the U.S. Immigration Court in Houston. The guide was published in 2007 (and updated in 2021 by Christina T. Le with assistance from Cathleen S. Creeganon) on New York University's Globalex website. It provides background information to human trafficking and looks at the efforts of the international community to address the problem. An overview is given of trafficking between the US and Mexico and between China and Vietnam, including statistics and details of legislation.

Asian Patent Attorneys Association

Website of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA), an NGO that seeks to promote intellectual property protection in the Asian region (including Australia and New Zealand). The site provides a newsletter and gives details of APAA committees and regional groups, a history of the organisation, and details of conferences and meetings. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Asian Legal Information Institute

The Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII) website provides free access to legal materials from all 28 countries and territories in Asia, as well as the regional organisations, APEC, ASEAN and SAARC. It includes legislation, case law, law reform reports, treaties, a few law journals and other legal material, along with links to other law sites. The content can be searched or browsed; searches can be limited to one country, or extended to all countries. 

Vietnam legal research

Online guide to Vietnamese legal research written by Le Thi Hanh who is Director of the Library and Information Centre, Hanoi Law University, Vietnam. The article was published in 2006 (and updated in 2022) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the NYU, School of Law. The author gives background and historical information about Vietnam and looks at the role of the Communist Party and its involvement in the government, social life and the legal system of Vietnam.

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