united states

International Center for Law and Religion Studies

The International Center for Law and Religion Studies is part of the J. Reuben Clark Law School at the Brigham Young University in Utah. The Center promotes freedom of religion worldwide and is focused on the relationship between law and religion. The Center compiles Religlaw a database of documents including laws, treatises, articles and case law affecting freedom of religion in countries around the world.

Open Government Guide

Guide to law and policy regarding open government in each US state and in the District of Columbia. Covers the rights of citizens to access official information and attend official meetings. For each state, and for DC, there is a guide available in both html and pdf format. The Guide is the work of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which is based in Washington, DC.

Administrative Rules

Portal to US state and federal rules and regulations. Explains what administrative rules are and gives links to codified and uncodified versions for each state and for the federal government.The resource is provided by the Administrative Codes & Registers Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

American Presidency Project

Online archive of US presidential documents, election documents and data, and audio visual material. Includes executive orders, proclamations, State of the Union addresses and messages, inaugural addresses, addresses to Congress, press conference material, veto messages, party convention addresses, election debates and other resources. The archive is hosted by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and covers the period from 1789 to the present.

Compilation of Presidential Documents

Collection of US presidential documents on the official Federal Digital System website, arranged by year, 1992 onwards. Includes proclamations, executive orders, speeches, statements, details of acts approved by the President, and other material. To search, follow the ‘Search Government Publications’ link, open Advanced Search and select ‘Compilation of Presidential Documents’.

American State Papers

Searchable and browseable digitised version of the thirty-eight volume publication, ‘American State Papers’, containing US congressional legislative and executive documents from the period 1789 to 1838. Forms part of the Library of Congress’ American Memory website.

United States Senate

Website of the United States Senate, the upper chamber of Congress. Provides information about senators and Senate committees.The Legislation and Records section includes schedules and calendars; the Congressional Record from 1989/90 (101st Congress) onwards; and details of Senate votes, ongoing legislation and treaty approvals. The Reference page provides statistics, bibliographies, a glossary and other resources.


The US Supreme Court blog, which offers news and commentary, background information, statistics, videos, a calendar of court activity and links to case documentation. The Plain English section includes a glossary of legal terms, a guide to Supreme Court procedure and an archive of plain English blog posts. Daily email updates are available.

Legislative Sourcebook

Compilation of research guides, reference sources and links on the subject of US legislative research, put together by the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, DC. Covers legislative history, US government document citations, key publications and much more. Consists predominantly of federal resources, but state legislation is covered too.

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