
Middle Temple Nano Trainings

Collection of short training videos by Middle Temple Library, a barristers’ library in London, UK. The videos give tips for searching particular law databases, guidance on aspects of legal research and introductions to popular topics such as artificial intelligence. The material is primary designed for members of the library, but others will also benefit.

Judicial Training Institute

The Judicial Training Institute (JTI) is a Ghanaian organisation providing training for judges, magistrates and judicial staff in Ghana. The JTI organises “programmes and activities to meet both the professional needs of individual members of the judiciary and the judicial service and the capacity-building needs of the judiciary and the judicial service as a whole”.

UK Copyright Literacy

Copyright blog run by Chris Morrison, Copyright, Licensing and Policy Manager at the University of Kent, and Jane Secker, Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London. The blog is intended for non-lawyers with an interest in copyright literacy and copyright education. As well as blog posts, the site provides details of research into copyright literacy and information relating to Secker and Morrison’s book, ‘Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners’ (2nd edn, Facet Publishing, 2016), including an open-access chapter, ‘Copyright education and training’.

Judicial College

This part of the Courts and Tribunals Judiciary website provides information on the Judicial College, the body responsible for training judges and magistrates in England and Wales. The Judicial College was established in 2011 replacing the former Judicial Studies Board. The site gives information on the training covering civil, criminal, cross jurisdictional and family law.

Chartered Institute of Taxation

The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) is the UK’s leading body for taxation professionals. It deals with all aspects of taxation and aims to promote education in taxation. The ‘Policy and Technical’ section of the website contains technical articles that have been published in the CIOT’s monthly journal Tax Adviser from January 2000 onwards. Many of these can be downloaded in PDF format. This section also lists EU tax cases and legislation and various statements and reports made by the Confédération Fiscale Européene (CFE).

Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

The Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) is the official training and examining body for judges and prosecutors in France. It comes under the aegis of the French Ministry of Justice. The site publishes the texts of legislation pertaining to the setting up and administration of the Ecole. The list of initial and in-service training programmes is published, with details of the preparation and training cycles for candidates wishing to take one of the Ecole's "concours" (competitions). Bibliographies on some aspects of the judicial system are available.

United States Sentencing Commission

Website of the United States Sentencing Commission. The Commission is an independent government agency which establishes policies on sentencing and punishment for US federal courts. It also advises Congress on crime policy and collects and publishes information on sentencing in the United States. The site publishes many documents to support and reflect the Commission's mandate including background and historical information.

Office for the Victims of Crime

Website of the US Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), the official body responsible for funding state compensation schemes for crime victims, supporting them and promoting their rights and contributing to the development of policy. It provides a large amount of information for victims, professionals who work with them and those carrying out research in the area. The site explains the organisation and work of the OVC and makes available its reports to Congress (1996 onwards). There is detailed guidance about applying for funding and organising events.

Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University

Website of the Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, New York. The Center was established in 1978 and seeks to promote human rights education, training and interdisciplinary research. The site presents information about the Center, its staff, board and aims. Details are provided about academic programs, the visiting scholars program, research and conferences. The Centre has two capacity building programs: the Human Rights Advocates Program, which aims to prepare leaders from the Global South and marginalized communities in the U.S.

Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Web pages of the academic institution based at Lund University, Sweden, and named after Raoul Wallenberg, the distinguished Swedish diplomat of the Second World War. The Institute was founded in 1984 and promotes research, training and academic education in the fields of human rights and humanitarian law. The site outlines the Institute's academic and research programmes and gives details of the Institute's work in Central and South East Asia, Latin America, North Africa and the Middle East concerned primarily with human rights and humanitarian law.

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