trade marks

Trademark and Patent Assignments on the Web

The Trademark Assignments and Patent Assignments on the Web databases are provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and made freely available on their website. The trademark database provides information on ownership of trademarks from 1955 to date and patent information is available from 1980 onwards. The database can be searched using a range of criteria including registration or serial number and by assignor or assignee name, applicant name or registrant name.

Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks

Information about the Madrid System For the International Registration of Trademarks, on the World Intellectual Property Organization's website. The site gives an overview of the System, along with a more detailed procedural guide. The relevant legal texts are made available, including the Madrid Protocol, the Madrid Agreement, Common Regulations and Administrative Instructions. Information notices relating to changes or amendments in the system are provided, along with forms and other details.

How Dewey Classify OCLC's Lawsuit

Free online article written by Roger V. Skalbeck, librarian at George Mason University School of Law in Arlington Virginia, and published on in September 2003. The article provides background information to the lawsuit filed by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) against the Library Hotel for alleged trademark violations and explains what is meant by copyrights, patents and trademarks, gives examples of other marks held by OCLC and summarises the 3 causes of action which include trademark infringement, unfair competition and diluting of OCLC's trademarks.

UDRP Reference Library

Annotated resource guide to ICANN's (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) produced by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School and made freely available on their website .The UDRP relates to domain name disputes and the site provides links to background information including the text and rules of the policy and other legal materials available online.There are links to online articles, domain name and Internet news stories and organisations.

ADLAW By Request

Website of ADLAW By Request, Reed Smith's free online advertising and marketing law E-magazine. The site features news, press releases, and feature articles in several sections including In the Courts and International. It also includes links to other Reed Smith newsletters such as Legal Bytes, a monthly publication. You will need to register to access the newsletter in PDF format, but this is free. An archive of Adlaw by Request is also available.


A freely available online resource guide created by Daniel Tysver of the Minnesota-based law firm Beck & Tysver, which provides information on intellectual property and technology law. The site is divided into subject areas such as patent law, software patents, trademark law, copyright law and internet law. Each section has an executive summary followed by links to more in-depth coverage of the topic and specific pieces of legislation.

Ius Mentis

The website Ius Mentis is a Dutch-language resource guide to intellectual property law in the field of computers, programming and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) generally. The site is produced by Arnoud Engelfriet an IT-lawyer and patent attorney and is intended for those with an ICT background as well as lawyers. The site is divided into a number of sections relating to particular aspects of intellectual property law in the ICT context, including patents, copyright, trademarks, database rights and software.

Williams Powell

Willams Powell is a London-based firm of patent and trade mark attorneys. Their website gives a brief introduction to and definitions of patents, trade marks, design and copyright. General guidance is provided on filing a patent, writing a patent specification, patent searching and the likely costs involved. There is also advice on choosing and registering trade marks. Advice for overseas patent and trade mark attorneys is given on the site and brief guidance for people wishing to register patents or trade marks abroad.

Australian Trade Marks Office's Decisions

An AustLII Web database containing selected decisions of the Australian Trade Marks Offices from 1991 onwards. The system offers full search facilities, a case name search, alphabetical browse listing and recent decisions list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials. Data from the Australian Trade Marks Office is supplied by IP Australia.

Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci

Website provided by the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks in Bucharest, a specialised government body with responsibility for the protection of industrial propety in Romania. It contains information on patents, trademarks, industrial design, topographies of integrated circuits and plants varieties. There is a searchable Romanian Patent Database and links to services and publications offered by the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks. Details of regional centres and a list of IP attorneys are available. The site is available in Romanian only.

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