trade marks

Global Brand Database

The Global Brand Database is an online resource made freely available by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It is intended to be the first step in researching whether a trade mark already exists. The database includes trademarks, appellations of origin, armorial bearings, flags and other state emblems protected in various countries around the world. The names, abbreviations and emblems of intergovernmental organisations are also included.

British Library: Business and Patents

This British Library webpage introduces the BL’s collection guides to a range of materials including patents, trademarks, business and management studies and trade literature from 1880–1940. The British Library is the UK’s national patent library and holds British patent documents, official journals, patent law reports and patent specifications from over 40 countries and international authorities. A guide to patents and patenting your invention is also provided.

Danish Patent and Trademark Office

The Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) is the official representative of Denmark acting on behalf of the Danish Government regarding all aspects of IP legislation and policy. The DKPTO's Policy and Legal Affairs Department is responsible for developing Denmark's IP legislation and policy in relation to patents, utility models, trademarks and designs. Thus the site provides links to treaties, EU Council regulations and agreements and other materials concerning patents, utility models, trade marks and designs.

Intellectual Property Regulation Board

The Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg) regulates patent attorneys and trade mark attorneys in the UK. Its website explains its work, provides general guidance and publishes case documentation, including decisions of the Disciplinary Board. Also available are news items, consultation documents, a list of bodies registered with IPReg, a register of patent attorneys and a register of trademark attorneys.

Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property was founded in Bern in 1888. It is the Federal Agency for intellectual property matters but has its own legal personality and is independent of the Swiss Federal budget. Its primary role is as a first point of contact for customers who need industrial property rights. The site provides background information about patents, trademarks, designs and copyright, with links to further details. Forms for completion and submission are available to download in Word and PDF formats.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the government agency responsible for granting rights in patents, trademarks and designs in Australia. Its website explains the agency's work and gives guidance on Australian intellectual property rights and regulation. It provides searchable databases giving details of existing IP rights; journals relating to trademarks, patents and designs; official notices; manuals; Australian Federal intellectual property legislation; official forms; and trade mark decisions.

Bird and Bird : International Law Firm

Website for the international law firm Bird and Bird who specialise in the e-commerce, information technology, communications, media, sport, banking & financial services, life sciences and aviation & aerospace sectors. In addition to providing information about the organisation and its specialisations, the site carries a collection of articles written by Bird and Bird's lawyers.

Pipers Virtual Intellectual Property Library

This site is dedicated to patent, copyright, trademark and intellectual property information. It has been developed by the New Zealand patent and trademark attorneys, Pipers. The site provides guidance and information on intellectual property issues with separate sections aimed at small businesses, inventors and corporate officers. In-house articles on various aspects of IP law are also made freely available on the site. Other facilities include a directory of patent attorneys with contact details and website links, a glossary of IP terms and links to New Zealand patent organisations.

Japan Patent Office

Website of the Japanese Patent Office. The site includes a history and outline of the industrial property system in Japan. There is guidance on obtaining rights in Japan and information on the role and organisation of the Patent Office. There are also features on legislation and practice changes and the promotion policy for patent distribution. The text of selected committee documents, reports and speeches are available in full-text and there is a link to the Japanese Industrial Property Digital Library (NPDL). The site can be viewed in English and Japanese.

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