
World Organization Against Torture

The World Organization Against Torture is a non-profit human rights advocacy group described as the "main coalition of international non-governmental organisations (NGO) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment".The website provides access to policy documents, reports and events covering their main programme areas. These include the rights of the child, violence against women, assistance to victims and addressing the economic, social and cultural causes of torture.

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) a not for profit human rights organisation whose central aim is to promote human rights in Zimbabwe. The site gives details ZLHR's litigation and advocacy work and provides news of its recent human rights cases. The Resources section includes policy papers, reports, studies factsheets and other ZLHR material.

Redress: seeking reparation for torture sufferers

Website of REDRESS, a London-based human rights organisation helping torture survivors and working towards eliminating the use of torture. Provides background information about REDRESS and its work, including casework on behalf of individual survivors, legal and institutional reform, international standard setting, raising awareness and running training programmes in countries where torture is carried out.

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