supreme court

United Kingdom Supreme Court

A BAILII database, providing all decisions of the UK Supreme Court from October 2009 (when it replaced the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords as the UK's highest court) onwards. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service aiming to deliver free access to primary legal materials for the UK and of Ireland.

Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law

Open-access online journal published three times a year by the University of Cambridge. The Journal was first published in 2012; it covers international and comparative law and related domestic, regional, transnational and international legal regimes. An annual special issue is devoted to analysing the work of the UK Supreme Court in the previous judicial year. Contributions are subject to a double-blind peer review process. The CJICL website provides all issues of the journal free of charge, in pdf format. The site also has a blog and gives details of the Journal’s annual conference

Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School)

The Cornell Legal Information Institute (LII), founded in 1992, provides free access to US federal and state legal material, including US Supreme Court decisions, decisions of the US Courts of Appeals and other federal courts, the US Constitution, the United States Code, state constitutions and statutes (via links to state websites), and state regulations. Secondary materials on the site include 'Wex', an open access legal dictionary and encyclopedia, and the 'Introduction to Basic Legal Citation' by Peter W. Martin.

Alaska Court System : Recent Supreme Court Decisions

Recent opinions for the Supreme Court in the US State of Alaska are provided on the State Government website, and on the Alaska Legal Resource Center site. Decisions are listed in date order on the State site, commencing with the most recent judgments. The list gives case number and name linking to full text in PDF format. Zipped and compressed file formats are also available. Decisions are removed from the site once they appear in print in the Pacific Reporter 2nd series.

Opinions of the Arkansas Supreme Court and Arkansas Court of Appeals

State website publishing opinions from the Arkansas Supreme Court and Arkansas Court of Appeals. Opinions are arranged by date and can be viewed back to 1996 on the site. The full text opinions are provided in HTML and WordPerfect 5.1 formats. The service is maintained by the Librarians of the Arkansas Supreme Court in cooperation with the Reporter of Decisions.

Supreme Court of Delaware

Official website of the Supreme Court of the US State of Delaware. The site offers information about the Court's history, judges and committees. Copies of the Supreme Court rules and administrative directives can be downloaded from the site. Supreme Court orders and opinions are available on the site back to 2000 and can also be downloaded in full text.

Supreme Court of Tasmania Decisions

Decisions of the Supreme Court of Tasmania made freely available on the AustLII website. This AustLII database contains full-text decisions from 1987 onwards as selected and provided by the Supreme Court of Tasmania. Decisions can be browsed by date or name and searched using the AustLII search engine. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney.

Idaho State Judiciary

Official service provided by the Idaho State Judiciary on the US State of Idaho website. The site has information on the court system and judicial administration and on the Idaho District Courts, Drug Courts and Family Court Services. Cited opinions of the Idaho Supreme Court and Idaho Court of Appeals are posted on the site on the day of their release and removed when they are published in the Pacific Reporter and the Idaho Reports. These can be browsed by date or searched by keyword. Court forms and rules can be downloaded from the site and there is a page of related web links.

Supreme Court of Ireland Decisions

This BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute) website provides free access to decisions of the Irish Supreme Court from 1998 onwards. The cases can be browsed alphabetically by party name or by date. The site features a sophisticated search facility supporting searches of this and other databases available on the site. Decisions are published in full-text HTML format, with links to the relevant legislation. Also included are a number of earlier landmark decisions taken from the University College Cork, Law Faculty's Leading Irish Cases database.

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