
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Website of the US Bureau of Justice Statistics the government department which collects and analyses information on crime, criminal offenders and the operation of justice. Statistics can be viewed by subject eg. corrections (prisons, capital punishment), courts, crime, costs of crime, law enforcement and victims of crime or by publication. These can be browsed or search and downloaded in full from the site along with data tables.

American Presidency Project

Online archive of US presidential documents, election documents and data, and audio visual material. Includes executive orders, proclamations, State of the Union addresses and messages, inaugural addresses, addresses to Congress, press conference material, veto messages, party convention addresses, election debates and other resources. The archive is hosted by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and covers the period from 1789 to the present.

Officialpapers UK

Blog about UK and other official publications, by members of the Standing Committee on Official Publications (SCOOP). The blog was launched in 2015. It highlights official publications collections in print and online and covers new developments relating to official publications. The Notable Resources page lists key websites in the field and there is also a link to a set of official publications bookmarks on the website.

United Nations iLibrary

Digital repository for UN sale publications, launched in February 2016. The publications can be read for free online, but a subscription is required to download pdf versions. The collection consists of books, studies, reports and other sale publications; for resolutions, meeting records and other official documents, see the UN Official Document System. A wide range of subjects is covered; law titles include the Law of the Sea Bulletin and the Yearbook of the International Law Commission (recent issues only; older issues are available free on other UN websites).

Office for National Statistics

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority. Its website makes available a very large collection of economic, social and demographic data, including crime, criminal justice and police statistics, Consumer Price Indices and statistics on company mergers and acquisitions. The Publications section of the site provides articles, bulletins, reports and other materials produced by the ONS.

Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ)

The DGPJ is a state central body of direct administration. It gives technical support related to the production of legislation and monitors policies and strategic planning and international affairs. Sections of the site give background information on these roles. Full text access is given to the Justice Statistical database and to the Justice Laws project (Leis da Justiça). This legislation project is divided into chapters relating to different areas of law relevant to the work of the DGPJ. Each chapter has an introduction and links to the full text legislation.. is the main portal to US federal, state and tribal government information on the web. It offers an A-Z of government departments (with links), a directory of web-based government services and contact details for all sorts of government bodies. The Explore Topics section includes a Public Safety and Law page with links to courts and legislatures and a Reference and General Government page with links to official publications, statistics, a glossary of federal government abbreviations, laws and other materials.

United States Sentencing Commission

Website of the United States Sentencing Commission. The Commission is an independent government agency which establishes policies on sentencing and punishment for US federal courts. It also advises Congress on crime policy and collects and publishes information on sentencing in the United States. The site publishes many documents to support and reflect the Commission's mandate including background and historical information.

Eesti Pank: the Bank of Estonia

The Bank of Estonia has a remit to maintain the value of the Estonian currency (the Kroon) and to support and improve the Estonian banking and financial system. The site and its contents are available in Estonian and English and presents general information on the Bank, its monetary policies, mission, and press releases, and the Estonian banking system. Many statistical indicators and reports are included, on banking, investment and the economy. The legislation section includes the full-text of Estonian laws, decrees and regulations on banking and finance, from the 1990s.

Statistik Austria

Statistik Österreich, now called Statistik Austria, became an independent body in January 2000. Its remit is to disseminate national statistics in an impartial manner. Profiles cover economic, demographic, social, ecological and cultural aspects of Austria. Some information can be downloaded in PDF or Excel format, but it is not all freely available. It is also possible to search for Statistik Austria's publications by subject. All texts are in German. The English version of the site contains a limited amount of information.

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