southern africa

Supreme Court of Mozambique

Website of the Mozambique Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo). The site gives information on the background and history of the Court and a profile of the President. Legislation relating to the Supreme Court and court judgements can be viewed in full. There is also information on the role and make up of the Judicial Council which oversees the courts and judiciary. The site can be viewed in Portuguese only.

Constitutional Council of Mozambique

The Constitutional Council was created by the 1990 Constitution and has jurisdiction over constitutional issues concerning laws, elections and political parties. The site has profiles of current and previous judges of the Constitutional Council. There is a full text copy of the 2004 Constitution along with electoral and other laws relevant to the Constitutional Council. Judgements can also be viewed in full. The site can be viewed in Portuguese only.

The Mauritian Legal System and Research

Online article looking at the law and legal materials of Mauritius written by Professor Rajendra Parsad Gunputh who is Chair of International Comparative Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law and Management at the University of Mauritius. The article was published in 2022 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives background information to the Mauritian legal system and an introduction to the sources of law including the Constitution and legal codes.

Introduction to the Law of the Southern African Development Community

Online guide to the law of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) written by Dunia P. Zongwe who is a former graduate fellow of the Institute for African Development at Cornell University. The guide was published in 2011 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives background and historical information to SADC which is a regional economic community composed of 15 countries in Southern Africa.

International IDEA

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) is an intergovernmental organisation promoting the growth of democracy worldwide. It is based in Sweden and has offices in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The website has background information its work and details of databases, networks and publications. Sections of the site cover work in the areas of electoral processes, political parties, constitution building, democracy and gender, state of democracy and democracy and conflict.

Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa

The Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (tralac) is an independent non-profit company which was established in 2002 to provide research, advice and training on trade law issues relevant to Southern Africa. Full text books and reports of tralac can be downloaded from the site. These cover topics such as regional trade agreements, trade in particular goods and services, dispute settlement and intellectual property.

Southern African Legal Information Institute

The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) has been developed by the Wits Law School in South Africa and is hosted by the Constitutional Court of South Africa. SAFLII provides free access to South African legal materials including judgements of the Constitutional Court of South Africa back to 1995, judgements of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa and decisions of the Land Claims Court of South Africa from 1996. Full text South African consolidated legislation can also be viewed on the site along with publications of the South African Law Commission.

Southern Africa Litigation Centre

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre began as  a joint initiative between the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). It works to foster human rights, democracy, the rule of law and access to justice in the region by means of advocacy, litigation, training and capacity building. The Centre's website has information about its cases, together with reports, briefings, statements, articles and news. The content can be browsed by topic or by country. 

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