social welfare

Save the Children

Save the Children champions children's rights in more than 50 countries, including the United Kingdom. In the short term it provides emergency relief; in the long term its aim is to make children and families self-sufficient by promoting development. The site includes news and press releases, list of publications, a site for young people, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.


The rightsnet website is designed to provide up to date welfare rights information and news for advice workers. It is managed by lasa (London Advice Services Alliance) [q.v.]. The site provides a news section, training, policy news, an email discussion group and summaries of the latest welfare benefit and tax credit case law from the Administrative Appeals Chamber of the Upper Tribunal for subscribers.The Toolkit facility of the site provides links to sites offering legislation, case law, current benefit rates and factsheets.

Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

The home page for the Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission. Its mission is to promote a high level of employment and social protection, to raise the standard of living and quality of life, and to promote economic and social cohesion and solidarity among Member States. It also tackles discrimination. These pages provide information and news on the various areas of activity currently undertaken. The e-library contains details of publications, including those of the former DG, with links to many of them in full text.

UNHCR: the UN Refugee Agency

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was created by the UN General Assembly in 1951. The site offers background information about the work of the UNHCR which includes advocacy, capacity building, fund raising and global needs assessment. There is a section dealing with the groups of people the UNHCR works with including children, women, elderly, disabled and asylem seekers and information on the areas of the world where the UNHRC operates. There are legal documents, statistics and global reports.

Stanford Law and Policy Review

The Stanford Law and Policy Review is an academic journal concentrating on issues of law and public policy published twice a year by the law students of Stanford Law School. Each issue contains a Symposium of 6 to 12 articles on one specific topic along with additional feature articles on different topics. Themes of past issues have included law and technology, law of democracy, gun control and same sex marriage. Titles, subscription information and details of the Editorial Board are provided on the site.

Disability Law Service

The Disability Law Service (DLS) is a UK charity providing information and advice for disabled people.  Its website has information about the DLS and its work, including its annual reports. Factsheets are provided on assessment of and services for disabled children, special educational needs, benefits and driving licences for disabled people. There is also information on training courses and campaigns, together with news and useful links.

National Center for Law and Economic Justice

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice (formerly the Welfare Law Center) helps those on low incomes to access the benefits to which they are entitled through litigation, advocacy and policy analysis. Its website gives details of its recent cases, advocacy, and support work with grassroots groups. News and other information is provided on key issues, including civil rights, racial justice, disability rights, food stamps and health care. There is also a blog and an archive of NCLEJ newsletters.

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