rule of law

Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law is part of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and was set up to advance the Rule of Law worldwide. The Bingham Centre’s work covers the following areas: business; citizenship; digital age; justice systems; modern slavery; parliaments and security. The Centre produces reports and discussion papers which are available in full on the site. Details of the Centre’s projects and events are also given along with its work as secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Rule of Law.  

Arab Center for the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI)

ACRLI is a non-governmental organization that was set up by a group of professional lawyers, judges and academics from Arab countries. It seeks to promote good governance and the rule of law in the Arab world. The Center holds events, carries out projects and publishes studies and reports. The ACRLI website provides a subscription-based database of legislation from 18 Arab jurisdictions, together with selected court decisions and references to books, journal articles and websites.


Reprieve is a London-based charity providing legal representation and assistance for prisoners facing the death penalty and prisoners held beyond the rule of law, for example at Guantanamo Bay; it also investigates and campaigns on issues such as drone attacks and extraordinary rendition. The organisation was founded by human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith. The ‘Our Work’ page of its website provides reports, responses to consultations and other publications, together with information and documentation relating to Reprieve investigations and particular prisoners’ cases.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is part of the intergovernmental Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). It observes elections, monitors democracy and seeks to foster human rights, tolerance and the rule of law. The Office’s website describes its work, provides press releases and makes available its recommendations, reports, and other publications. On the Resources page there is a Documents Library, an email news service and a multimedia library.

Qatar Law Forum

Qatar Law Forum is an international conference hosted in Doha under the patronage of the Emir of Qatar. It aims to discuss the Rule of Law and related issues of international law and has been convened twice, in 2009 and 2012. The forum’s English website provides links to news articles relating to the forum and also provides documents on the discussions including newsletters, the text of some of the speeches and a discussion paper on the role of ethics in finance. The site also features YouTube clips of the conference and photographs.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights was founded by Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in 1995. It aims to promote the causes of human rights, the rule of law, democratic institutions and Palestinian independence. The Centre’s website can be read in English or in Arabic and features press releases, reports, position papers, and statistics. This material focuses on human rights violations and the weakening of democratic institutions by Israeli Occupation Forces and also by Hamas and Fatah.

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

The Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect was established in 2008 by the International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam International, Refugees International and WFM-Institute for Global Policy. The work of the Centre is focused on the new international norm, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which refers to protection of populations against genocide and other large-scale atrocities. The work of the Centre includes advocacy, research designed to further understanding of R2P and helping states to build capacity.

Netherlands Helsinki Committee

Website of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC), a non-governmental organisation promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe and in Central Asian countries that are members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The NHC supports the work of international and national governmental and non-governmental organisations including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights. Its activities include fact-finding missions, lobbying and various projects.

Europe and Eurasia Program

The Europe and Eurasia Program has developed from the Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (CEELI) originally set up in 1990 by the American Bar Association (ABA) as its first international technical legal assistance program. Today there are programs in more than 20 countries in the region "furnishing technical assistance on a wide range of issues essential for further consolidation of the rule of law". There are news features from the Program as a whole, as well as links to work in each individual country.

United Nations and the Rule of Law

This site is maintained by the United Nations to provide information and resources regarding its work on maintaining the rule of law. It offers UN press releases and a repository of UN documents including General Assembly resolutions, reports, norms and standards, guidance and training materials. Topics covered include the rule of law at national and international levels, constitution building, transitional justice, informal justice, peace building and international security.

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