regional government

National Conference of State Legislatures

Website for the US National Conference of State Legislatures, an organisation founded in 1975 to represent state interests before Congress, the administration and federal agencies. Membership is made up of US state lawmakers and legislative staff. The site outlines the work and policies of the organisation and features regular news, views and job listings. It describes the work of the NCSL's 12 standing committees which "develop the official policy statements that determine our positions on the wide range of federal actions that affect the states".

Welsh Parliament (Senedd)

Official website of the Welsh Parliament (Senedd Cymru) the body with responsibility for making Welsh laws, setting taxes and overseeing the work of the Welsh Government. The site contains information about Senedd members and the various committees. The Record of Proceedings, a transcript of the proceedings of the Senedd's Plenary meetings, can be searched on the site. There is information about the Bills and Acts of Senedd Cymru and the Senedd's legislative process.

Northern Ireland Assembly

Official website of the Northern Ireland Assembly, the devolved legislature for Northern Ireland, established in 1998. The site provides information about the progress of bills before the Assembly; the text of bills from the current and previous sessions; Hansard from 1998 onwards; details of the making of statutory rules from 2011 onwards; committee reports from c.2011 onwards; research papers; news and other information.

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe is an institution of the Council of Europe. Its website provides details on its functions and recent programmes. It also contains a collection of documents, including the Congress's statutory texts, charters and conventions, minutes of plenary sessions, timetables of forthcoming meetings and the Congress's yearbook. The site is in English or French.

Australian Government Online

This site provides access to Federal Government information of Australia. Users of the site may browse by subject category or search for keywords or phrases. It includes access to departmental websites, parliament and states and territory governments. There are directories of organisations and individuals, news updates and information on government initiatives and services. Links to full-text government reports, statistics, legislation and papers and information aimed at the public is also offered.

Gobierno de Canarias

Official website of the government of the Canary Islands. It provides a gateway to government press releases, factual information about the region and its relations with Spain and a directory of links to government departments online. Also accessible are full-text legislation, government policy documents and the official Bulletin from 1980 onwards. All information is in Spanish only.

Respublika Kareliya

Official website of the Republic of Karelia, one of the autonomous republics of the Russian Federation, located in the north-west, bordering Finland. The site includes the contact details of the principal executive and legislative bodies, links to government departments, policy documents and legal texts. It is available in Finnish, English and Russian languages, with the Russian-language version being the most comprehensive.

Government of Andorra

This is the official website of the government of Andorra. The site, contains information on the structure of government in the region. It includes information on recent activities of individual departments and access to government press releases covering all aspects of economic, social and foreign policy. Relations with other nations such as Spain are also covered. Users should note that the site is mainly in the Catalan language.

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