

The Infolaw service, produced by legal publishing consultant Nick Holmes, provides a gateway to the UK legal web. The 'Lawfinder' section provides free access to legal resources by subject or by jurisdiction, and a directory of legal services and links to law blogs. The site also sells precedents and provides Continuing Professional Development for practitioners, for a fee.

Construction Law Review

Construction Law Review is an occasional online review of legal developments of interest to the construction industry based in the USA, edited by the Construction Practice Group of Pepper Hamilton LLP, US attorneys in law. The review offers comment on current issues in the field with close reference to US federal and state legislation and caselaw. Recent issues can be viewed by month of publication or by topic, beginning with September 1995. The site also provides background information about the Group and its work.

Indiana Law Journal

The Indiana Law Journal is a print journal (ISSN 0019-6665) published quarterly by students at the Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington. Papers deal in the main with US legal issues and occasionally with international matters. Recent topics have included tax law, use of copyright law on the internet, criminal corporate liability and sexual harassment. The website presents the full-text of articles, notes and comments published in the journal from vol.71 1996 onwards.

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law is a multidisciplinary print publication produced quarterly by Duke University, USA. Articles contain original scholarship on matters embracing political science, economics, history, sociology, health services, research, philosophy and ethics. The journal also includes book reviews, comments, news and notes. The website offers contents listings and article abstracts from volume 20, 1995, onwards. In addition the site features 20 year cumulative author and subject indexes covering 1976-1995.

Mozambique Justice Sector and the Rule of Law

Online report looking at the law and legal system of Mozambique published by the Africa Governance, Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP), a project of the Open Society Foundation and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa. The document is available on the website of Africa Criminal Justice Reform project at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. The publication is in two parts, part one is a discussion paper providing policy recommendations arising from the full report and part two is the full report itself.

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