parliamentary debates

Scottish Parliament

Official website of the Scottish Parliament, covering its history, procedures, news, publications, MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament) and parliamentary business.  Current and previous bills are available, together with the Official Report (the record of what was said in Parliament and in public committee sessions), committee reports, parliamentary questions and other information.

House of Lords

The House of Lords is the upper chamber of the UK parliament. Its section of the parliamentary website provides detailed information about the work of the House, including Hansard (parliamentary debates) from November 1995 onwards, current bills before Parliament and the reports of House of Lords select committees.

Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago

This is the official parliament website of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It provides background information about the House of Representatives and Senate and their committees, together with news and publications. Hansard is available from 1990 onwards and acts from 1999 onwards. The current and previous constitutions of Trinidad and Tobago are also provided, and there is information about the progress of current bills.

Legislative Assembly of Nunavut

Official website of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut province in Canada. The site contains bills, debates and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard), reports of standing committees (in PDF format), and a link to the Nunavut Legislative Library catalogue. The site is published in English and Inuktitut language versions. Some items are also provided in French and Innuinaqtun

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