
HM Inspectorate of Probation

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation is the government body which inspects the efficiency of the UK probation service in order to ensure that the operation of community sentences is effective. Its website describes the purpose of the body and provides a list of the geographical probation areas which it has inspected recently and forthcoming surveys. It is possible to access the full-text of its inspection reports of specific probation services and reports on themes such as young people and women offenders from 1996 onwards.

Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, The

The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice is published by Wiley (formerly by Blackwells) and is concerned with "all major aspects of the criminal justice process, penal policy and crime prevention". It is an interdisciplinary journal "combining articles with comments and reviews, providing a thorough coverage of both the theory and practice of criminal justice and the study of crime and criminals. Each issue includes a Penal Policy File summarising the latest developments in criminal justice policy."

British Journal of Criminology

Published on behalf of the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Deliquency by Oxford University Press, BJC is the leading European journal in the field. The Web page contains contents tables and abstracts of past and current issues, together with information about subscriptions, the editorial board, advertising rates and instructions for prospective authors. The article titles and abstracts can be searched by keyword and there is a facility for emailing new tables of contents.

National Institute of Corrections

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) a part of the United States Department of Justice. NIC provides "leadership to influence correctional policies, practices, and operations nationwide in areas of emerging interest and concern to correctional executives and practitioners as well as public policymakers." There is an online library, publications and information on training and projects.

Restorative Justice Online

This site is a service of Prison Fellowship International's Centre for Justice and Reconciliation. The introduction outlines the values, principles and definition of restorative justice. Users of the site can suggest solutions to the problems presented. The "Resources" section presents links to documents from different jurisdictions on restorative justice, as well as some United Nations and Council of Europe documents. A comprehensive annotated bibliography on restorative justice around the world is also found in the "Resources" section.

National Institute of Corrections Library

This site provides access to the library of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) which is an agency of the US Department of Justice. The library contains books, journals, newsletters and video and audio tapes along with unpublished materials produced by correctional agencies and all NIC publications. These materials include research reports and analyses, program descriptions and evaluations and training materials. The catalogue can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject heading.

Center for Effective Public Policy

The Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP), an American non-profit organisation, works with local, state and tribal jurisdictions in the US to improve their criminal justice systems and enhance the well-being of communities. Its website provides information about CEPP projects. It includes a collection of guides, training curriculums, frameworks and other tools and resources focusing on subjects such as collaborative justice, evidence-based decision-making, parole and probation, women in the justice system, racial equity and community engagement.

CSC Restorative Justice

Section of the Correctional Service of Canada's website providing background information on restorative justice and details of the CSC's restorative justice and dispute resolution services for victims and offenders. Includes research reports and other publications, together with links to restorative justice websites in Canada and elsewhere.

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