
Asian and Pacific Law Guide

A legal research guide for Asia and the Pacific region, created by the library at the University of Sydney. Includes regional legal information as well as covering twenty-five individual jurisdictions. For each jurisdiction, there are annotated links to sources of legislation and cases, information about the legal system, information relating to international law (such as participation in treaties), and links to research guides.  

Tonga Primary Materials

This PacLII website provides access to a range of full text primary legal materials for Tonga including judgements, legislation, the Constitution and other court related information such as rules and practice directions. There are also links to other Tonga legal sites. PacLII is a joint initiative between the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Palau laws

Forming part of the PACLII website, this webpage provides links to limited sources of Palau law, including cases from the Supreme Court of Palau from 2008 through to present day, selected consolidated legislation, indexes to legislation, and the constitution of Palau.

State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project

The State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program is a project of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University. The Program was established in 1996 to conduct research into the government, politics and causes of political crises in the Pacific Islands including Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and Fiji. The site provides background details on the purpose of the project and access to full-text working papers and conference papers relating to it.

Government of the Cook Islands

Official web pages of the Cook Islands government. The site has profiles of the members of the cabinet of the Cook Islands and contact details for all government departments and agencies. There is background information to the geography, economy, population and climate of the Cook Islands and a full-text monthly newsletter providing national and government news.

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