natural resources

Researching the Human Right to Water with an Annotated Bibliography

Online research guide focusing on the right to water written by Jootaek Lee who is assistant professor and librarian at Rutgers Law School (Newark). The guide was published in 2019 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives an introduction to the right to water and to the human rights principles and standards that this right originates from.

Waterlex Legal Database

The Waterlex Legal Database brings together information about national and international water law, governance and policy. It is provided by Waterlex, an international NGO. The data is partly crowd-sourced and partly obtained from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization and other official bodies. The database is searchable by key word and can be filtered by country, region and/or type of document. For many countries, extracts from legislation are available, with links to the full text on national websites.

Falkland Oil and Gas Limited

Website for Falkland Oil and Gas Limited (FOGL) an oil and gas exploration company operating in the South and East Falkland Basins. The site provides information about the company and its aims and purpose including an operations map, details of the proposed drilling programme and brief history of the Islands and their status as an overseas territory of the UK. The site also provides a copy of the company's Articles of Association in PDF format and FAQs section.

Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

Web pages of the Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, published by Taylor and Francis and produced in conjunction with the Whittier Law School, Los Angeles. The journal seeks to address the legal and political issues relating to humans' interrelationship with, and management of, wildlife, their habitats and the biosphere. Contents lists with abstracts are available from volume 1 (1998) to the current issue; from 2003 onwards it is also possible to buy individual articles or journal issues online.

Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea

The Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) was established in 1984 at the Utrecht University. NILOS is a research institution involved with all issues related to the law of the sea, including conservation of marine natural resources. The site describes the activities of the Institute and its staff, outlining the program of work, research and training projects and consultancy services. Work concentrates particularly on the processes by which a new international law of the sea is formed and national responsibilities for regulation.

Harvard Environmental Law Review

Website for the Harvard Environmental Law Review, (ISSN 0147-8257), published biannually since 1976, and edited by students at the Harvard Law School, aided by an advisory board of lawyers and academics. The journal publishes articles on a broad range of environmental affairs, including land use; air, water and noise regulation; toxic substances control; radiation control; energy use; workspace pollution; science and technology control; and resource use and regulation.

Alaska Law Review

This journal is published semiannually by Duke Law School in association with Alaska Bar Association. It provides an annual year-in-review of court decisions and legislative changes, as well as articles related to current legal trends and issues of practical importance to the Alaska Bar. Student editors have primary responsibility for writing and editing the review. Full text is available online from vol 14 no 2, December 1997, and is searchable by citation or keyword. Details of submission, and hard copy subscriptions, are also available on the website.

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is an online search service that provides access to environmental treaties and the national resource indicators relevant to those treaties. The service is provided by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Subject areas covered include soil quality/conservation, water, sea, marine resources, air, plants, forests, animals, hazardous substances, land use, renewable energy and natural resources.

Japanese environmental laws

Collection of online, environmental laws and regulations made freely available on the Japanese Ministry of the Environment website. The legislation is grouped under subject headings which include global environment, waste and recycling, environmental policy and air and transportation. The collection includes an outline of the Basic Environment Law. The majority of the laws are presented in HTML with a small number in PDF format. The site can be viewed in English or Japanese.

Oil, Gas and Energy Law

Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL) is a subscription service aimed at the energy industry and legal practitioners. OGEL aims to provide a global overview together with critical analyses of the issues and developments surrounding regulation in the oil-gas-energy field. Issues of the OGEL Journal are available in full text for subscribers. A collection of legal and regulatory materials including laws, regulations, contracts and guidelines are available to search or browse by country or topic.

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