money laundering

Joint Money Laundering Steering Group

Website of the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG), which is hosted by the British Bankers' Association. Membership of the JMLSG is drawn from associations working within the financial services industry and its stated aim is to "promulgate good practice in countering money laundering and to give practical assistance in interpreting the UK Money Laundering Regulations". The organisation produces guidance notes to help the financial sector interpret money laundering legislation and regulations.

Anti-money Laundering Efforts in the Securities Industry

Report on investigations into anti money laundering efforts in the United States securities industry, carried out by the US General Accounting Office (GAO) and published on their website. The GAO is a non-partisan agency within the legislative branch of the US government, established by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 with a remit to independently audit government agencies.

Know Your Country

Know Your Country is a website providing information and guidance on anti-money laundering legislation and country risk. The site is managed by Gary Youinou, who has experience in the offshore financial industry. The site provides information on over 120 countries compiled from government, institutional and regulatory bodies such as the United Nations, the OECD, the World Bank Group and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Information is arranged alphabetically by country.

Law and Regulation

Website of the Business Law Department of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) providing information on legal and regulatory issues affecting accountants. There is a section on company law, providing guidance on the Companies Act 2006 with links to ministerial statements, government guidance, a copy of the Act and useful links. The Business Crime and Misconduct section includes guidance for accountants on bribery, corruption and fraud, unlicensed arms dealing and criminal cartels.

Institute of Money Laundering Prevention Officers

Website of the Institute of Money Laundering Prevention Officers (ILMPO) a membership organisation providing a forum for anti-money laundering professionals in the UK. Members are employed in banks, insurance companies, finance companies, accountancy firms, law firms etc. The site provides information on the ILMPO, details of the most recent events and conferences and links to related news items.

Bank Negara Malaysia: Legislation

This section of the Central Bank of Malaysia's website provides Malaysian banking legislation. The available legislation includes the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009, the Financial Services Act 2013, the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, the Insurance Act 1996 and the Currency Act 2020. The site also provides standards and guidelines and circulars covering banking, Islamic banking, payment systems, insurance and takaful, money services business and other topics. 

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