
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution

The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) was established in 1990 and is based in London. It provides legal mediation and arbitration, consultancy and training services to firms, and cases are also referred from outside organisations and the courts. The site gives full details of the services available and procedures for application. There is background information on dispute resolution services including adjudication, arbitration, early neutral intervention, expert determination and mediation.

ADR Group : Alternative Dispute Resolution

Web pages of ADR Group, founded in 1989 and specialists in providing mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The website is also intended for the Alternative Dispute Resolution Network, ADR-NET, with a password-protected members only area. All the other features are freely available: news, details of events and training courses on ADR, and information about the ADR Group. The site also offers a form to send messages and enquiries to the Group, and a form to refer a case to them.

European Ombudsman

The European Ombudsman (EO) is appointed by the European Parliament to consider complaints about the administration of European Union bodies and to adjudicate in cases of maladministration; the Ombudsman also carries out own-initiative inquiries. The EO website includes a database of pending and concluded cases; case documentation can also be browsed by type of document (decision, recommendation, and so on) and year (1990s onwards).

Consensus Mediation

Consensus Mediation is a commercial company specialising in mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution. The website contains information on the services offered by the firm and profiles of mediators. There is information on how mediation works, tips for lawyers, an essential mediation checklist and a collection of articles about mediation and other ADR topics. A selection of FAQs and a glossary of terms are also provided.

INAVEM: Institut National d'Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation

INAVEM is a federation of about 150 French organisations offering support to victims - whether of crime, violence, abuse, accidents, or other misfortunes - and providing mediation services. The website presents various documents to do with INAVEM's work, including its annual reports, constitution, codes of ethics, statistics and public policy documents on subjects including domestic violence, discrimination, children and human rights. Guidance is available for victims, plus a directory of support organisations and details of telephone help lines. The site is in French throughout.

Atkinson Law

Website of Atkinson Law a company providing information on construction law and dispute resolution services including arbitration, adjudication and mediation. As well as giving details of the services the company provides there is a database of case digests relating to the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 and a collection of in-house articles dealing with construction law, adjudication and mediation. The site also provides a comprehensive collection of links relating to construction law. is the website of an Oregon based company providing information and services concerned with mediation and conflict resolution. The site has a freely available library of full-text articles, searchable by subject or keyword, which are made available in HTML. Some of the subjects listed on the site include the Americans With Disabilities Act, conflict coaching, negotiation, restorative justice and employment, family and international law. There are links to mediation blogs and a weekly round up blog postings on mediation and dispute resolution.

Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration

Website of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), a non profit organisation providing services to resolve and prevent regional and international trade and investment disputes, with a particular emphasis on the economic development of African and Asian countries. The site carries information about CRCICA history, objectives and services, alongside an explanation of the rules governing the composition of its panel of arbitrators and experts.

Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association

Website of the Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association (CIDRA), a non profit organisation established in 1997 aiming to be a neutral forum for the management, resolution and prevention of trans-national commercial disputes in Illinois. The site provides information about CIDRA's objectives, services and training courses, accompanied by profiles of CIDRA approved arbitrators and mediators. The site publishes the text of the rules governing CIDRA's administration of arbitrations and mediations, articles and model clauses.

Resolution Institute

Website of the Resolution Institute, an organisation formed following a merger between the Australian Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) and the Leading Edge Alternative Dispute Resolvers (LEADR). The Resolution Institute is a non profit membership organisation promoting arbitration and facilitating the sharing of knowledge about alternative dispute settlement throughout associated professions and industries. The site provides membership information including training, qualifications, events etc.

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