
Civil Justice Council

The Civil Justice Council is a UK public body which was set up under the Civil Procedure Act 1997 to keep the civil justice system under review, to advise the government and to make research proposals. Its web pages provide information about CJC working parties and make available publications including responses to official consultations, research papers and annual reports.

Hague Conference on Private International Law

The Hague Conference on Private International Law is an intergovernmental organisation working for the progressive unification of the rules of private international law. It is involved in the negotiation and drafting of multilateral conventions in fields such as international judicial and administrative cooperation; conflict of laws for contracts, torts, maintenance obligations, status and protection of children, relations between spouses, wills and estates or trusts; jurisdiction and enforcement of foreign judgments.

The Point of Law Website is a web magazine sponsored by the Manhattan Institute providing information and opinion on the US litigation system. Included on the site are full-text articles by legal scholars, a reading list of key texts on tort law and litigation and an online forum focusing on liability issues. There are also featured discussions and links to legal news stories. Subjects covered on Point of Law include asbestos, attorney's fees, class actions, employment law, medicine and product liability.

Lawyers and Settlements

The Lawyers and Settlements website is provided by Canadian marketing company, Online Legal Marketing Ltd who specialise in advertising for lawyers and law firms. The site provides information and the latest news on personal injury and class action cases and settlements. Cases are categorised by subject including personal injury, defective products, dangerous drugs and stock fraud. The site provides a summary of the issue and details of possible cases, lawsuits filed and settlements achieved. Individual complaints can be submitted to subscribing lawyers on a contact form.

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse

The Securities Class Action Clearinghouse website is produced by Stanford Law School in association with Cornerstone Research, a business litigation consultancy. The site provides "detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of federal class action securities fraud litigation". There is an index of filings presented with case summaries which can be browsed chronologically or by company name. Decisions are arranged alphabetically by company.

London Solicitors Litigation Association

Website of the London Solicitors Litigation Association (LSLA) an organisation formed in 1952 to represent solicitors practising civil litigation in central London. The website has information about the LSLA including the constitution, profiles of officers and details of forthcoming events. Copies of the Association's newsletter, Resolve and LSLA responses to consultation exercises are made freely available in full-text. There is also a page of related links.

Property Litigation Association

Website of the Property Litigation Association (PLA), a London-based organisation which draws its membership from solicitors, legal executives and barristers engaged in property litigation. The website contains details of events and workshops, news items, and information about the work and membership of the PLA's various committees. The PLA provides a mediation facility and includes a selection of sample forms, guidance and a list of mediators on the website.

American Tort Reform Association

The Washington D.C.-based American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) is dedicated to reforming the law of tort and liability. Documents available on the site include a record of tort reform in individual states and facts about the tort system and its impact on the US economy. The ATRA's annual report is also provided, detailing litigation abuse in US states. The site also features background information about class actions, medical liability and punitive damages. There are also press releases and a section providing brief summaries of 'loony lawsuits'.

Center for Legal Policy

The Center for Legal Policy (CLP) forms part of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a think-tank based in New York. The CLP is concerned with reform of the US civil justice system and its work includes publishing books, papers and reports and hosting conferences, forums and seminars for lawyers and policy makers. Recent publications cover areas such as class actions and mass torts, judicial selection, contingency fees, personal responsibility and the asbestos litigation industry. Most of the CLP's reports are made freely available on the website in PDF.

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