
Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Website of the Inner Temple, which is one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers with the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The site gives information on joining the Inn, scholarships and awards available, the student sponsorship scheme, student societies and courses, including continuing education courses for new practitioners. It also provides an onine catalogue covering the libraries of all four Inns of Court. Details are given about the history of the Inner Temple and there is a large collection of links to law websites.

Preserving born-digital legal materials - where to start?

Online article dealing with the preservation of digital legal materials written by Sarah Rhodes who is the digital collections librarian at the Georgetown Law Library in Washington, D.C. and a project coordinator for The Chesapeake Project Legal Information Archive. The article was published on in February 2010. The author looks at the issues surrounding the selection of materials to be preserved, the software requirements, the standards and protocols for digital preservation software and services and financial considerations.

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