legal aid

Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland

Website of the Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland (LSANI), an executive agency within the Department of Justice, which has responsibility for the administration of legal aid in Northern Ireland. There is information about the work of LSANI and members of the LSANI Board and guidance on accessing legal aid aimed at the public. The section aimed at the legal profession provides legislation, Department of Justice Directions and LSANI guidance. There is also guidance on using the digital Legal Aid Management System (LAMS).

Young Legal Aid Lawyers

Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL) is a group of lawyers who are committed to practising in the areas of criminal and civil law that have traditionally been publically funded. The website contains information about the groups objectives, the committee members and the work of sub-groups. Meeting minutes are available, as is a collection of articles, briefings, reports and consultation responses.

Public Defender Service

The Public Defender Service (PDS) is a department of the Legal Aid Agency providing a range of criminal defence services including advice and representation at the police station or magistrates court through to advocacy in the higher courts. The PDS was established in 2001 as the first salaried criminal defence service in England and Wales and provides legal aided defence representation in all types of criminal cases.


Website of LawWorks, an independent charitable association of solicitors in England and Wales dedicated to pro bono (free) legal advice: 'LawWorks' is the operating name of the Solicitors' Pro Bono Group (SPBG). The site describes the background, role and purpose of the organisation and gives details of LawWorks' projects. These include clinics providing free legal advice sessions, mediation services and free legal services aimed at the voluntary sector.

Bar Pro Bono Unit

Website for the Bar Pro Bono Unit, which was established to provide free legal advice and representation to those who need it. The Unit helps to put solicitors, advice agencies and members of the public in touch with barristers volunteering to give free advice, client conferences and representation in cases meeting the Unit's criteria for support. The website describes the aims and work of the Unit, with information on the sort of help provided to individuals, community groups and charities.

Legal Aid Western Australia

Website of the Legal Aid services for Western Australia, an independent statutory body set up by the Legal Aid Commission Act 1976. The site provides organisational information and details of services including annual reports and other publications made freely available online. A selection of FAQs are given outlining how to apply for and obtain legal aid along with general information on aspects of the law, legal rights and common legal problems in Western Australia. Sections are provided on families, children, immigration, property and making a will.

Scottish Legal Aid Board

The Scottish Legal Aid Board is a non-departmental public body responsible for managing legal aid in Scotland. Its website presents information for the public and information for solicitors and other advisory services. For solicitors and advisors, it provides an online facility for legal aid applications, handbooks, updates, forms and other materials. For the public, there is advice and guidance about getting legal aid and finding a solicitor, including a directory of legal aid practitioners.

Legal Action Group

The Legal Action Group (LAG) is a legal education charity providing support to lawyers and campaigning for improvements in the law and the administration of justice. Its website gives details of LAG publications, courses and campaigns. Contents and editorials from the Group's magazine, 'Legal Action', are also available, along with indexes back to 2000. The site provides guides to a range of legal topics and links to external resources. Subjects covered include community care, crime, employment, human rights, legal aid and welfare benefits.

Legal Aid Agency

The Legal Aid Agency is the body responsible for the administration of legal aid in England and Wales. The Agency gives means-tested financial help for people needing legal advice and administers legal aid for civil and criminal cases. There is guidance on how to apply for legal aid and information for service providers. The site has a list of current tenders and news items.

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