law libraries

New England Law Library Consortium

Website for the New England Law Library Consortium, a co-operative association of law schools, and law libraries. The site gives a history of NELLCO, outlining the Consortium's aims, administration and programme of co-operative initiatives in the field of information sharing, networking and innovation in information technology. A list of participating members of the Consortium with links to their individual libraries is available. The NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository provides free access to working papers, reports, lecture series and workshop presentations of NELLCO members.

New Zealand Law Librarians Association

The aim of the New Zealand Law Librarians Association (NZLLA) is to promote law librarianship by providing a national and regional focus for information specialists working in the legal sector. It encourages developments that will further improve the usefulness and efficiency of law libraries and fosters a spirit of cooperation among members of the group. The website provides information on the organisation, past and future conferences, special projects and articles written by NZLLA members. Copies of NZLLA's Principles of Professional Conduct can be downloaded from the site.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen is an association for law libraries and legal documentation centres in German-speaking countries; it also has individual members from the library and information field. Its website provides information about the purpose and activities of the organisation, along with news, publications and links to other law library associations. The site is in German.

IALS Library

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies was founded in 1947 as part of the University of London, but with a national role. It promotes and facilitates advanced study and research in law for the benefit of persons and institutions in the UK and abroad. The Institute library has particular strengths in foreign, comparative and international law, reflected in the resources offered by the website. The site makes available the Library's online catalogue, information aimed at LLM students and a selection of legal research guides arranged by subject and jurisdiction.

International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) and Other Law Library-Related Associations and International Conferences on Legal Information and Law Librarianship

Online annotated list of law library organisations compiled by Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at D'Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago. Includes international library associations such as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Association of Law Libraries (IALL), regional organisations such as the Caribbean Association of Law Libraries and national groups listed by country.

Law Library Journal

Website of the Law Library Journal the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) official journal which is made freely available on their website. The Law Library Journal is published quarterly with issues back to Winter 2000 available in full-text and presented in PDF format. The journal contains articles on law, legal materials and librarianship along with reports from conferences, committees and special interest sections and book reviews.

Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Recht

The Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Recht (Virtual Law Library) is a portal to high-quality legal resources on the internet, with an emphasis on German legal information. It forms part of the Special Law Collection at the Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage in Germany. The portal is arranged into eight sections. The Subject Information Gateway provides access to resources relevant to academic legal research and can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject.

Bombay High Court Judges' Library

Website of the e-law library of the Bombay High Court in India. The purpose of the library is to provide support and legal information for judges of the Bombay High Court and the site gives access to freely available legal materials and provides details of materials held locally. There is a selection of summaries of historical cases of the Bombay High Court and a list of judges from 1862 onwards. Legislation dealing with judiciary, the Bombay High Court rules and guidelines and the Indian Constitution with amending legislation are given on the site.

Legal Information Preservation Alliance

Website of the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) an independent organisation of US law libraries concerned with the preservation of printed and electronic legal information. The site gives background information about LIPA including details of member libraries, committee members, news, meetings and reports. There are links given to other digital preservation initiatives, metadata resources, print repositories and copyright materials.

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