land tenure

Native Lands Trust Board

Official website of the Native Lands Trust Board (NLTB) of Fiji, the body with responsibility for administering native land for the benefit of the indigenous landowner in Fiji. The site has information on the history and background of the NLTB, its corporate objectives and the type of leases currently administered. There is also information on the ownership structure of land in Fiji and a selection of commentary articles.

Land rights in Africa

The Land rights in Africa page forms part of the Oxfam website providing information and documentation on Oxfam's work relating to policy and land law in African countries. The aim of Oxfam and other NGOs is to help communities become more aware of their rights. There is a statement of Oxfam's principles relating to justice and equality, access to land and security of tenure. Working papers and discussion documents are arranged under the following headings: Africa general; West Africa; East Africa; Horn of Africa and Southern Africa.

Global Land Tool Network

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an initiative of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Bank. The main aim of the GLTN is to alleviate poverty and contribute to achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. The website has background and organisational information about the GLTN and its partner organisations.

Waitangi Tribunal

Official website of the Waitangi Tribunal, the permanent commission of inquiry established under New Zealand's Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. The Tribunal hears claims relating to breaches of the treaty. The website provides the reports of the Tribunal on claims under the act and the text of the treaty in English and Maori. It also gives procedural guidance and makes available a collection of research reports.

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