juvenile offenders

Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice

The Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) is a non-profit organisation based in California whose aim is to advocate humane criminal justice policy and promote public safety. It is in favour of reduced use of custodial sentences. The website gives details of the CJCJ's work with young offenders which includes model programs, projects and research. There is also information about, and evaluation of, the Center's work dealing with detention diversion, jail services for the homeless and mentally ill and independent living.

Justice Policy Journal

Website of the Justice Policy Journal which is the online journal of the Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) a California based non-profit organisation working with young offenders in the criminal justice system. The journal is aimed at researchers and policymakers providing a forum dealing with current justice issues. The Justice Policy Journal is freely available in full-text on the CJCJ's website. Each article has an abstract presented in HTML along with the full-text presented in PDF format.

Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

Website of the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) the body with responsibility for facilitating the work of the Children's Reporters and providing accommodation for Children's Hearings. Children's Hearings are distinct to Scotland and deal with both young offenders and children in need of care and protection. The site provides history, background and organisational information about the SCRA. There is information on the Children's Hearings System covering procedure and decision making.

Restorative Justice Council

The Restorative Justice Council (RJC) is a non-profit organisation that promotes restorative justice in the UK. Its website has background information about restorative justice and its use in settings such as prisons, schools and the workplace. RJC research reports are also available, along with the Principles of Restorative Processes, case studies, a glossary of terms, best practice guidance, policy documents and a monthly bulletin.

Youth Court of New Zealand

Website of the New Zealand Youth Court, describing the work of the court and the nature of its proceedings. Guidance aimed at young people, families and victims is provided. There are links to summaries of decisions from 1998 to 2016 and to full (anonymised) decisions from 2016 onwards (both collections are on the New Zealand District Court website, which in turn has a link to archived summaries going back to 1988).

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