international organisations

Regulations of the Andean Community

This part of the Andean Community (CAN) website gives access to the Community’s laws and decisions. CAN is an international organisation, set up in 1969 by the Cartagena Agreement, that established a free trade area between Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. CAN conventions, treaties and official gazettes can be viewed in full text along with decisions and opinions of the Andean Commission. Minutes of the Andean Presidential Council meetings are also given. The site can be viewed in Spanish only. 

League of Nations

A collection of official League of Nations publications digitised by the National Library of Scotland. The print collection held at the National Library of Scotland consists of 'The Official Journal' and special supplements, monthly summaries, statistical yearbooks and Treaty Series, as well as publications from the principal organs, committees, commissions and conferences; a selection of these has been digitised.

Bodleian Library League of Nations research guide

A research guide provided by the Bodleian Library in Oxford, covering the League of Nations. The guide contains information on the structure of the League of Nations, links to useful resources such as journals and books and a detailed guide to the League of Nations’ documents and publications, including the complicated numbering system of their documents. There is also a comprehensive list of links to archives, personal papers and guides relating the League of Nations. Some of the links and resources are Oxford-specific, but the majority are available for all to use.


International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was set up in 1957 and has its headquarters in Vienna. It is a international organisation within the UN System. The IAEA website provides a wide range of information about the role and structure of the agency and details of its programmes and education/training. It also gives full-text access to publications and official documents: nuclear treaties, reports, country factsheets, the IAEA Legal Series, the quarterly IAEA Bulletin and other material, including digitised older titles from around the 1960s onwards.

OHADA: Organization for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa

This is the official website of OHADA. The main part of the site provides the OHADA Treaty and OHADA uniform acts in English and French; it also has recent cases from the Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage and legal commentary (‘Doctrine’), but these are in French only. A larger repository of OHADA documentation can be found in the Digital Library: all issues of the OHADA Journal Officiel (Official Gazette), cases from 2010 onwards, uniform acts and other material, all in French.

Researching League of Nations Documents

Guide to researching the documentation of the League of Nations, by Gabriela Femenia, Foreign and International Law Library at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biddle Law Library. The research guide was published in 2012 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. It covers the types of documents produced by the League of Nation and their reference numbers and discusses print, microfilm and electronic sources of these documents.

United Nations

The United Nations (UN) website provides details of its work in the fields of peace and security, development, human rights, humanitarian affairs and international law. There are sections covering the UN's main bodies: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. Official documents, databases, maps , news and an online bookshop are provided, among other things. The website is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

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