international commercial arbitration

International Arbitration Attorney Network

Website of the International Arbitration Attorney Network, a group founded by lawyer William Kirtley of Franco-American law firm Dugué and Kirtley. In addition to advertising the Network, the site provides a large amount of information about international arbitration law and practice. This includes a guide to finding arbitration case law on the internet; information about arbitration clauses and third-party funding of cases; an ICC Cost Calculator; a set of links to freely available books and book extracts (under ‘Online Arbitration Library’).

Directory of Arbitration Links and Arbitration Resources Online

Online version of a resource directory listing sources relating to commercial arbitration in the context of private international law, freely presented on the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) website. The Directory is organised in sections offering links to online resources such as: Treaties and Conventions; National Arbitration Laws; International, National and Regional Arbitral and ADR Institutions; Other Organisations, and Arbitration Resources Online. The Directory was originally compiled for print publication in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration by Rosabel E.

Scottish Council for International Arbitration

Web pages for an independent body promoting international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution facilities in Scotland. The site describes services for disputants with outline information on the Scottish legal system and tradition, emphasising Scotland's suitability as a venue for servicing and hearing disputes. A set of papers describing the handling of arbitration in Scotland, including a synopsis of the Scottish Arbitration Code 1999; Scotland and the UNCITRAL model law; and How the Scottish Courts Support the Arbitration Process are provided on the site in Word format.

Arbitration Centre of Mexico

Website of the Centro de Arbitraje de Mexico (CAM), an organisation offering national and international arbitration services and education and training to advance arbitration culture in Mexico. The site provides information about CAM's services including training, a selection of model clauses and agreements and full-text rules of arbitration. There is also a newsletter, details of publications and upcoming seminars and events.

Chamber of Arbitration of Milan

Website of the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, a special agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan providing commercial dispute resolution services. The site carries information about the Chamber's objectives, composition and services. Italian arbitration laws and the Chamber's mediation and arbitration rules are available to download. Practical information on arbitration and mediation is also given including forms, costs and model arbitration clauses and agreements. The site is freely accessible in HTML and available in English and Italian language versions.

Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration

Website of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), a non profit organisation providing services to resolve and prevent regional and international trade and investment disputes, with a particular emphasis on the economic development of African and Asian countries. The site carries information about CRCICA history, objectives and services, alongside an explanation of the rules governing the composition of its panel of arbitrators and experts.

Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association

Website of the Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association (CIDRA), a non profit organisation established in 1997 aiming to be a neutral forum for the management, resolution and prevention of trans-national commercial disputes in Illinois. The site provides information about CIDRA's objectives, services and training courses, accompanied by profiles of CIDRA approved arbitrators and mediators. The site publishes the text of the rules governing CIDRA's administration of arbitrations and mediations, articles and model clauses.

Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

Website for the Vis arbitral moot, made available by the Institute of International Commercial Law at Pace Law School in the United States. The moot is an annual competition open to law students from any country, which aims to train the legal professionals of the future in methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The website acts as the main source of information and news on the moot for competitors and judges, collating links to relevant legal texts, sponsoring organizations and useful links in Vienna, where the moot takes place.

Commercial arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution methods

Collection of national laws and other information relating to commercial arbitration and alternative dispute resolution methods, on the website of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The collection covers countries in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. It includes the texts of national laws and guidelines. For some countries, a document called "Responses to Arbitration Questionnaire" is available, giving an overview of the arbitration law for that country and saying to which relevant conventions it is a party.

Japan Commercial Arbitration Association

Website of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA), an independent organisation originally established in 1950 by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The site gives an overview of the work of the JCAA, defining its main purpose as the resolution of international and domestic commercial disputes. The site provides access to Japanese full text arbitration laws in English along with rules, regulations and the standard arbitration clause developed by JCAA.

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