house of commons

Hansard 1803 to 2005

Digitised version of the official report of debates (Hansard) for the UK Parliament, from 1803 to 2005. Content can be browsed by year, MP, peer, constituency, act title, bill title or official position (e.g. Minister for Trade, Chief Whip). There is also a simple search facility. The digitisation project was directed by Parliament.

Parliamentary Archives

This is the official website of the Parliamentary Archives which contains the official archives of the House of Commons, House of Lords and other records relating to parliament. Its holdings include all records and journals from the House of Commons from 1834 to the present day and the archives of David Lloyd George. Its website provides basic information on holdings, services offered and access. Links are provided to guides for researchers and other sites containing digitised parliamentary documents.

House of Commons

House of Commons section of the UK Parliament website, providing a information about the work of the House and about Members of Parliament. News items cover recent debates and the work of the Commons Committees. There are links to select committee reports, Hansard debates, current bills, briefing notes and the Summary Agenda and Order of Business. The site also includes a database of Early Day Motions (formal motions for debate which allow MPs to raise issues in which they are interested).

Public Bill Committees

Web pages which list, and link to, the Public Bill Committee debates, alphabetically by the title of the Bill being considered. The information on each Bill includes the membership of the standing committee, the latest version of the Bill, reports of committee proceedings from different sittings and associated memoranda. The debates are available for parliamentary sessions back to 1997-1998.

European Scrutiny Committee

The European Scrutiny Committee is a permanent cross-party committee of the House of Commons. It assess draft EU legislation which has been deposited in Parliament by the Government. Its website makes available the Committee's reports from November 1996 to date, minutes from November 2009 to date, ministerial correspondence with the Committee, background papers and details of inquiries by the Committee. There is also a guide to the European scrutiny system and a guide to the EU institutions and EU legislation.

House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin

The House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin was produced b the UK Parliament until July 2011. It provided information on the recent and forthcoming business of the lower chamber, the House of Commons; it also included some coverage of the activities of the House of Lords.The Bulletin is divided into sub-sections which include a list of public and private bills before parliament, information on the progress of individual bills, information on the meetings of Standing and Select Committees, the present state of the parties in Parliament and a listing of EU documents received.

House of Commons Background Papers

Collection of detailed briefing papers on UK parliamentary practice and procedure, produced by the Parliament and Constitution Centre at the House of Commons Library and published on the UK Parliament website. Includes briefings on public bills, private bills, hybrid bills, statutory instruments, the European Union (terminology, procedures and sources) and a timeline of UK constitutional developments from 1911 onwards.

Church of England Measures

One of a series of concise factsheets produced by the House of Commons Information Office and published on the website of the UK Parliament. The Church of England Measures factsheet, last revised in 2010, provides a brief history of how the internal government of the Church came under Crown control. Current legislative procedure for the Church of England is clarified, with particular emphasis on the legislative powers remaining with Parliament.

Northern Ireland Legislation Factsheet

Factsheet produced by the House of Commons Information Office (UK) and published on the Parliament website. The Northern Ireland Legislation Factsheet, last updated in 2010, provides a brief history and clarification of legislative procedure in Northern Ireland, with a particular emphasis on legislative powers remaining with the UK Parliament. Topics discussed include legislative practice before devolution, devolution and the Northern Ireland Assembly, Northern Ireland business in the House of Commons, and tracing Orders and Irish/Northern Irish Acts.

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