
World Law: Germany

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Germany. Includes links to websites relating to: Courts, Education, Government, Legislation and Parliament. Additional subject areas include: Intellectual Property, Privacy, Taxation Revenue and Customs. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Germany on all of the WorldLII catalog or databases. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Eine Auswahl rechtswissenschaftlicher Datenbanken im Internet

This website is managed by the Library at the University of Mannheim in Germany. It is a comprehensive guide to a very wide range of German, European and international legal websites. The main categories included are government departments, legal journals, research centres, dictionaries, legal research guides, and many library catalogues. There are also sections for different subject areas of law. It is all in German.

BIJUS: Dokumentarische Schnittstelle zweier Rechtskulturen

BIJUS is a joint project between the Universities of Saarland in Germany and Nancy in France to promote communication between French and German lawyers. The first part is a bibliography to enable German lawyers to search for books on French law by using terms in German. The reverse is available in French. The second part provides a small selection of full-text key legislation in both French and German. All information is freely available and does not require registration or payment.


The website of the German Federal Administrative Court provides general information on the history, functions and procedure of the Court, including a table of allocation of business among its several chambers (Senates). It is now based in Leipzig. Press releases, giving summaries of individual decisions, are available in full-text from 1997. Access to these is by year and number (roughly chronological), with links from an entry in the table to the text itself. There is a page of links to the other German federal courts, and the administrative courts of the Länder.


The German Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) web pages give information, in German, on the jurisdiction, structure and activities of the Court. They are hosted by the University of Karlsruhe. There is a description of the allocation of different types of cases among the several chambers (Senates), current lists of the judges of the Court and lawyers working in the Court, an historical list of presidents of the Court, a description of the Library, and copies of the Court's annual reports and judicial statistics since 1996.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen is an association for law libraries and legal documentation centres in German-speaking countries; it also has individual members from the library and information field. Its website provides information about the purpose and activities of the organisation, along with news, publications and links to other law library associations. The site is in German.

Foreign Law Translations

Free database of foreign legislation and cases translated into English, provided by the Institute for Transnational Law at the University of Texas at Austin. Foreign Law Translations makes available translated French, German, Austrian and Israeli cases and French and German legislation in the areas of constitutional, administrative, contract and tort law; most of the content is from France and Germany. The site also has a glossary of French legal terms and a list of German legal abbreviations

German Telecommunications Law

Web pages providing access to commentary and links relating to German telecommunications law. The site is produced by Joachim Rudo who is a lawyer based in Hanover, Germany. The site has links to German telecommunications legislation provided in English and to institutions and articles providing additional information.

German Copyright Law

Web pages providing access to resources relating to German copyright law. The site is produced by Joachim Rudo who is a lawyer based in Hanover, Germany. There are links to German copyright legislation, to societies dealing with rights exploitation, copyright associations and institutions and law journals. The site is presented in English but many of the resources linked to are in German.

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