freedom of information

International Privacy Law Library

This WorldLII project aims to make searchable from one location all of the databases specialising in Privacy and freedom of information (FOI) law available on WorldLII. Databases currently included are taken from CanLII (the Canadian Legal Information Institute), AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) and BAILII (the British and Irish Legal Information Institute). Material is also included from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).

First Amendment Library

The First Amendment Library forms part of the website of the First Amendment Center an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and Arlington, Virginia in the United States. The Library provides access to information relating to the five freedoms of the First Amendment -speech, press, assembly, petition and religion. The database is arranged by category including freedom of expression, freedom of religion and the Freedom of Information Act.

First Amendment Center

Website of the First Amendment Center, an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at Vanderbilt University in the United States. The aim of the Center is to protect First Amendment freedoms. Its website provides access to information about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and the right to petition. Subjects covered within these categories include school children's freedom of expression, freedom of information issues, religious liberty in schools and public life, abortion protests and freedom of association.

Scottish Information Commissioner

The Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) hears appeals regarding Scottish FoI requests and provides information to the public about information rights in Scotland. The SIC website has information about the work of the commissioner and provides guidance, the relevant legislation, appeal decisions and a list of current appeal applications. 

Open Democracy Advice Centre

Website of the Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC) a joint initiative between the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), the Black Sash Trust and the University of Cape Town Law Department. ODAC's aim is to promote freedom of information and government accountability, support whistleblowers and provide training and advice on the Protected Disclosures Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act. The website provides full-text copies of the acts (in HTML) along with the regulations, forms and user guides.

Freedom of Information Center

Website of the Freedom of Information Center, an online library based at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. The Center was established in 1958 and contains over a million articles on freedom of information in the United States. The home page has links to current news stories and the FOI Advocate, an online newsletter, provides a digest of news stories with links to the full-text and online reports. The guide to media law is aimed specifically at journalists and includes links to organisations, judgements and legal research sites.

Western Australian Information Commissioner Decisions

An AustLII database containing decisions from the Western Australian Information Commissioner from 1994 onwards. Decisions are in full-text HTML format and can be searched or browsed by case name or date. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Aarhus Convention

This page of the European Commission's Environment website is devoted to the Aarhus Convention of 1998, relating to the public right to information about official environmental policy. As well as the text of the Convention, the page provides an overview of the issues involved, EU implementing legislation, studies, details of conferences, news and guidance from the European Commission about access to information, consultation processes and access to justice. Users will also find a useful section covering concise summaries of European environmental policy and regulations.

Disclosing Justice: a study on access to judicial information in Latin America

Report by the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), looking at the legal frameworks for access to judicial information (including freedom of information laws) in the following Latin American countries: Argentina; Chile; Colombia; the Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Honduras; Mexico; Panama; Peru and Uruguay. For each country there is information on the availability of administrative information (financial, statistical and personnel) and case law. The report also outlines the legal instruments that provide access to information and looks at how the information is provided.


The Panopticon blog is maintained by barristers at 11KBW in London. It monitors developments taking place in information law. The site has a section explaining what information law covers, including areas such as "data protection, freedom of information, the protection of private information under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, breach of confidence, and the regulation of surveillance". Posts cover legal news stories including links to original sources, decisions, legislation and reports.

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