freedom of information

National Security Appeals Panel

This archived section of the superseded website includes decisions by the National Security Appeals Panel (NSAP). The NSAP was part of the Information Tribunal. It heard appeals against certificates issued by  ministers of the British Crown on national security grounds. It was replaced by the First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) in 2010.

European Parliament Public Register of Documents

Online register of internal European Parliament (EP) documents. Though launched in June 2002, it covers documents from the around the late-1990s onwards. The Public Register is searchable by key word, author, document type, reference number and other criteria. Many of the documents are available in full; where this is not the case members of the public can apply for access via the Request a Document page. The Public Register website also provides the European Parliament’s annual reports and resolutions on public access to documents, from 2002 onwards.

Document Register

Online register of internal documents produced by the Council of the European Union, 1999 onwards. Covers minutes of meetings, preparatory legislative documents, agendas and other material. The Register is searchable by key word, subject, reference number and other criteria. Many of the documents are available in full; where this is not the case members of the public can apply for access via the Request a Document link at the bottom of the search page. The interface is available in all the EU languages, but not all the documents are in every language.

Register of Commission Documents

Online register of internal documents produced by the European Commission from 1 January 2001 onwards. The register is searchable by document reference, Commission department, title, document type and other criteria; key word searching is offered on a separate ‘Full text search’ tab. There is also browseable collection of minutes and agendas from Commission meetings. If a document is not available in full via the register, it is possible to submit a request for it. The Register is available in all the languages of the EU, but not all the documents are in every language.

Open Government Guide

Guide to law and policy regarding open government in each US state and in the District of Columbia. Covers the rights of citizens to access official information and attend official meetings. For each state, and for DC, there is a guide available in both html and pdf format. The Guide is the work of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which is based in Washington, DC.

Information Law and Policy Centre

Website of the Information Law and Policy Centre (ILPC) which is based at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (part of the School of Advanced Study, University of London). The aim of the ILPC is to "undertake, promote, and facilitate, cross-disciplinary scholarship and research in the area of information law and policy, domestically and internationally". The Centre produces reports, articles and regular newsletters which are available on the site.

Peter Forskaal: Thoughts on Civil Liberty

Website dedicated to and celebrating Peter Forsskål's influential treatise Tankar om borgerliga friheten (Thoughts on Civil Liberty) published in Sweden in 1792. Forsskal's work contributed to access to information and the abolition of prior censorship which was established in 1766 by law in Sweden. The site gives information about the history of the work, access to the original pamphlet text and in English translation and in several other languages. Details of events related to freedom of information, civil liberties and the legacy of Peter Forskaal are provided.

Virtuelles Datenschutzbüro

German portal project to provide advice and support relating to data protection and freedom of information to both commercial and personal users. Users can choose from a selection of keywords which both lead to a collection of full text documents, including relevant German legislation, and provide a gateway to resources on other sites. It is also possible to search the site using Boolean operators. The project offers a wide range of training events and details are provided.

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