
Village de la Justice: le Carrefour des Juristes sur Internet

The "Village de la Justice" is designed as a meeting point on the internet for French lawyers, to facilitate contact between them and to help them exchange information. Some features are also provided for individual citizens interested in legal topics. The site was created in 1997 by the French legal publisher L?giteam, and has been growing since. Users can choose the "espace pro" or the "espace grand public". The professional space provides a variety of news updates and contributed articles, debates, job and training details, and email forums.

Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature

Online bibliography compiled by Paul Axel-Lute of the Rutgers Law Library at the Rutgers School of Law-Newark in the United States. The bibliography was first published in September 2002 and was last updated in June 2010. The emphasis is on US law and the bibliography provides references and links to materials supporting both sides of the argument. There is a brief introduction giving background and historical information to the movement for same-sex marriage and the first part of the bibliography includes web based resources and books.

INAVEM: Institut National d'Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation

INAVEM is a federation of about 150 French organisations offering support to victims - whether of crime, violence, abuse, accidents, or other misfortunes - and providing mediation services. The website presents various documents to do with INAVEM's work, including its annual reports, constitution, codes of ethics, statistics and public policy documents on subjects including domestic violence, discrimination, children and human rights. Guidance is available for victims, plus a directory of support organisations and details of telephone help lines. The site is in French throughout.

Le Défenseur des droits

Website of the office of the Défenseur des droits, the Children's Ombudsman for France. The office was created by the French Parliament in March 2000, and its mission is to defend and promote children's rights in France. The site explains the role of the Défenseur. Reports and opinions of the Défenseur are available, together with summaries of relevant French laws and information about the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (with the text of the Convention, in French).

French Property Law

The French Property Law website is produced by the French law department at Russell-Cooke a law firm with offices in London. The site is made freely available in English and provides a guide to buying French property covering contracts, mortgages, searches and fees. There is a selection of FAQs covering inheritance and representation along with related news stories. A collection of in-house articles is made available in full-text in PDF format dealing with other aspects of purchasing property in France. The site also has a page of Web links.

Animal Legal and Historical Web Center

Website of the Animal Legal and Historical Web Center which is a project based at the Michigan State University - Detroit College of Law. The site provides free access to primary legal materials and guides to the law. US laws and cases are arranged by state or subject. Subjects covered include animal rights, dog fighting and exotic pets. There is also information on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The emphasis of the site is on U.S law but it includes legal materials from other countries such as the United Kingdom, Brazil, Malawi, Poland and Taiwan.

Droits d'Urgence

Droits d'Urgence is a French lawyers' association established in 1995, providing free legal advice to poor and marginalised people. The site offers basic information on the association's work and mission, including its charter and code of practice for volunteers, and its programme of legal advice / information in Paris and elsewhere. The association co-operates with a number of local authorities and humanitarian agencies in France. Its journal, News d'Urgence, and monthly bulletin, Veille Juridique, are available on the website. The site is in French.


This is an official website of New Caledonia which is a department d'Outre Mer of the French government. Its website provides information on the history, economy, politics and society of the region. It includes a section on its government, parliament and relationship with France. The latter includes some materials concerning its sovereignty and constitution. Users should note that all material is currently offered in French only.

Cour d'Appel de Bourges

This website presents basic information on the administration of justice in the jurisdiction of the Cour d'Appel de Bourges in France. Three French departments are included in the jurisdiction: Cher, Indre and NiÌvre. There are lists of personnel (presidents, judges and clerks) for the various courts and tribunals in the area. Basic information on the French justice system is also included. The site can be viewed in French only.

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