
Office of the Schools Adjudicator

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) which was set up under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Schools Adjudicators make decisions relating to school organisation issues and admission arrangements in cases that cannot be resolved locally. The website provides access to the decisions of the OSA. If these decisions have been subject to judicial review these proceedings are also included online. There are profiles of the Schools Adjudicators, guidance to the process and copies of the relevant legislation that is linked to on the site.

Education Law Unit

The Education Law Unit is an initiative of the Govan Law Centre, an independent, charitable community controlled law centre in Scotland. The Unit can provide legal representation in education law cases and the website has information on education law in Scotland for anyone who advises children with special educational needs or their parents. There are links to education law news stories and full text cases the Govan Law Centre has been involved with.

Education Law Association

Web pages of the US Education Law Association (ELA) which is based at the University of Dayton's School of Education in Ohio. The ELA is a non-profit organisation whose members include educational and legal scholars and practitioners. The site has information about ELA publications including yearbooks, newsletters, case citations, monographs and conference materials. There are also details of ELA events and other education law related events and a page of links to other education law websites. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

First-Tier Tribunal - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The First-Tier Tribunal -Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) forms part of the Tribunals Service and hears appeals from parents of children with special educational needs against decisions made by local education authorities (LEAs) regarding their children's education. The Tribunal was previously know as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST). The site has sections aimed at parents and LEAs providing guidance on how to appeal, facts and figures about the Tribunal and information on the role and powers of the Tribunal.

African Journals OnLine

African Journals OnLine provides access to more than 800 journals published in Africa, including law titles, with many articles available free of charge. It was established as a project by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications. Users can register for email alerts.

Principauté de Monaco

Official website of the Government of Monaco. Outlines the role and functions of Monaco institutions including the Prince, the Minister of State, the judiciary and the Government Council. There is also an overview of government policy in areas such as education, the economy, the law, sport and culture. The Monaco Constitution is available on the site, in French. There is also news from Monaco and information aimed at people living in the Principality. The site can be viewed in French and English.

Citizenship Foundation

The Citizenship Foundation is an independent charity which "aims to empower individuals to engage in the wider community through education about the law, democracy and society." It works with schools and young people to promote participation in community and public life, education for citizenship, and an understanding of citizens' rights and duties. The news section of the website contains press releases and a newsletter. Information on the work of the Foundation includes its background, annual report and support base.

National Women's Law Center

Website of the National Women's Law Center (NWLC), a US-based organisation concerned with using litigation and law reform to improve the lives of low-income women and their families. Policy documents and news items are provided on issues such as: childcare and early education; poverty and income support; gender equity in education; workplace fairness and flexibility; affordable healthcare; reproductive rights; judges and the courts; retirement security and taxation. The site also has background information about the Center and details of its publications and campaigns.

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