ecclesiastical law

Code of Canon Law

Online version of the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law, provided by IntraText, an open-access digital library. The Code is the most recent compilation of ecclesiastical law for the Roman Catholic church, revised in 1983 and made up of 1,752 canons in 7 books. Canon law is the law of the Church's courts and includes rules for the governance and regulation of the clergy and the church. The website includes concordances and word lists which can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency of occurrence.

Manx Church Legislation

A collection of statutory materials, articles, and commentaries concerned with the ecclesiastical law of the Isle of Man. Acts and regulations of Tynwald carried by the site include: Church Legislation Procedure Act 1993, Church Representation Rules as they have effect in the Isle of Man, and the Marriage Act 1984. Further documents on the site cover issues such as: the ordination of women priests, tenure of church wardens and maintenance of church records. The documents are listed in a table with a note on content and link to full-text.

Church of England Measures

One of a series of concise factsheets produced by the House of Commons Information Office and published on the website of the UK Parliament. The Church of England Measures factsheet, last revised in 2010, provides a brief history of how the internal government of the Church came under Crown control. Current legislative procedure for the Church of England is clarified, with particular emphasis on the legislative powers remaining with Parliament.

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