east africa

Law Reform Commission

The role of the Mauritian Law Reform Commission (LRC) is to keep the law of Mauritius under review and to make recommendations for reform. LRC reports are available to download from the website with recent reports covering anonymity of individuals in court judgements and discriminatory laws against women in Mauritius. Annual reports, newsletters and press releases are also given. 

Mauritius Bar Association

Website of the Mauritius Bar Association (MBA) whose role is to represent the interests of barristers and improve the administration of justice in Mauritius. A directory of members can be searched or browsed by name. A list of current members of the Bar Council , which manages the affairs of the MBA , is also given on the site. 

Mauritius National Assembly

Official website of the Mauritian National Assembly which, together with the President, forms the Parliament of Mauritius. The site has profiles of MPs and the Speaker along with a copy of the Constitution and legislation back to 2009 which can be viewed in full. Other parliamentary proceedings including order papers, Hansard, parliamentary questions and details of committees are also given. 

Constitution of Mauritius

Electronic copy of the 1968 Mauritian Constitution, amended up to 2016, made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution can be accessed in a range of formats including PDF and HTML. There are chapters covering fundamental rights, the role of the president, parliament, the judicature, the Rodrigues Regional Assembly and other public bodies. 

East African Court of Justice

The East African Court of Justice is the judicial body of the East African Community. Its website provides judgments from 2005 onwards; they are listed in alphabetical order and can be filtered by year and/or type of case. The News section of the site provides lists of pending cases as well as press releases. The website also makes available procedural rules, the Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Common Market, the Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Customs Union and the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community.

Law Society of Kenya

Website of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK). The Society, formed in 1948, works to advise and assist the legal profession, government and public on matters relating to the administration of justice in Kenya. Membership comprises all practising advocates in Kenya. There is information on the history and objectives of the LSK, profiles of Council and Secretariat members and a searchable directory of members. Details of the various committees and Continuing Legal Education (CLE) provision are also available newsletters can be downloaded in full text (PDF).

Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

COMESA is an inter-governmental body encouraging economic cooperation between countries in East and South Africa. Member states include: Angola, Burundi, Comoros, D.R.Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Click on the Intstitutions link to find the COMESA Court of Justice.

International IDEA

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) is an intergovernmental organisation promoting the growth of democracy worldwide. It is based in Sweden and has offices in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The website has background information its work and details of databases, networks and publications. Sections of the site cover work in the areas of electoral processes, political parties, constitution building, democracy and gender, state of democracy and democracy and conflict.

International Environmental Law Research Centre

Website of the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC), a non-profit research organisation established in 1995 and based in Switzerland. The work of the IELRC focuses on international environmental legal issues. There is organisational information on the site and details of the IELRC's work which includes research, consultancy and teaching. Details are given of IELRC research programmes which cover biodiversity, climate change, human rights and intellectual property. Related articles are included as HTML or PDF documents.

Somaliland Law

Website providing information on the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Somaliland. Somaliland is a breakaway territory established in the north of Somalia in 1991 that is not currently recognised by the international community. Somaliland Law is edited by UK based lawyer Ibrahim Hashi Jama. The site offers a profile of Somaliland and articles and commentary relating to Somaliland law. Full texts of the Constitutions of 1991 and 1960 are given along with details of developments in constitutional law.

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