dispute resolution

Kluwer Arbitration Blog

Arbitration blog written by expert academic lawyers and practitioners from around the world. Comments on court decisions, arbitral awards and other developments in the field of arbitration. Can be browsed by category, date or contributor, or searched, and RSS feeds are available. The blog is run by publishing company Kluwer Law International.

International Arbitration Attorney Network

Website of the International Arbitration Attorney Network, a group founded by lawyer William Kirtley of Franco-American law firm Dugué and Kirtley. In addition to advertising the Network, the site provides a large amount of information about international arbitration law and practice. This includes a guide to finding arbitration case law on the internet; information about arbitration clauses and third-party funding of cases; an ICC Cost Calculator; a set of links to freely available books and book extracts (under ‘Online Arbitration Library’).

UNCTAD Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator

Compilation of information about pending and concluded arbitrations from 1987 onwards, provided on the UNCTAD website. ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC and other cases are covered. For concluded cases, the information provided includes dates, parties and countries, the type of investment, the legal instrument involved, the arbitration rules/venue, brief details of the decision, the amount sought and the amount awarded. Where possible, links to the full decision are provided. To search the database, click on ‘Show display options’

Eugene F. Collins

This Irish law firm website provides commentary on Irish legal developments, in its Publications section. The areas of law covered include company law, banking, employment, European Union, competition, immigration, intellectual property, information technology, litigation, dispute resolution, media and property.

International Investment Arbitration and Public Policy

Website and research tool offering open access to research and data on international investment arbitration. The service includes: a database of known arbitration cases decided under investment treaties; access to investment arbitration cases by policy area (such as agriculture, environmental protection, taxation); a compilation of the appointment records of individual arbitrators who have sat in investment arbitration cases; and other information and commentary on the system of international investment arbitration.

Oceans and Law of the Sea

Internet site publishing Law of Sea resources and related links developed by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea at the UN Office of Legal Affairs. The site presents unedited advanced texts and official reports and resolutions of the Secretary-General; the full-text and an overview of UNCLOS (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and related agreements with status information on ratifications and accessions. There is organisational information on the Division, information on the settlement of disputes and links to bodies established by the Convention.

Consensus Mediation

Consensus Mediation is a commercial company specialising in mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution. The website contains information on the services offered by the firm and profiles of mediators. There is information on how mediation works, tips for lawyers, an essential mediation checklist and a collection of articles about mediation and other ADR topics. A selection of FAQs and a glossary of terms are also provided.

Dispute Resolution Services: ICC: International Chamber of Commerce

Dispute resolution section of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) website. Provides information about the ICC International Court of Arbitration and other ICC dispute resolution services, covering costs, rules, model clauses and other topics. The Professional Development section has a link to the ICC Dispute Resolution Library (however, this is easier to find from library.iccwbo.org). The Dispute Resolution Library is partly fee-based, but has a free facility for looking up ICC awards to find out where they have been published.

American Arbitration Association

Founded in 1926 as a not-for-profit, public service organization, the American Arbitration Association is dedicated to the resolution of disputes through the use of mediation, arbitration, negotiation, elections and other voluntary dispute resolution methodologies. This site gives information about the Association, its activities, members and information about ADR. There are forms to download and an online library of guides, FAQs and reports on ADR and its use in different sectors including construction, insurance, employment and state based dispute resolution.

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