customary law

Researching Native American legal issues

Guide to native American legal materials and resources by Jan Bissett, Reference Librarian with Dickinson Wright PLLC, and Margi Heinen, Manager of Library Services at Sherman and Howard. The guide was published as a column in in February 2007. The authors provide links to websites examining the relationship between American Indian tribes and the United States government, including full-text treaties and tribal codes and constitutions. There are also links to other research guides, law libraries and resources on commercial databases such as HeinOnline.

Youth Court of New Zealand

Website of the New Zealand Youth Court, describing the work of the court and the nature of its proceedings. Guidance aimed at young people, families and victims is provided. There are links to summaries of decisions from 1998 to 2016 and to full (anonymised) decisions from 2016 onwards (both collections are on the New Zealand District Court website, which in turn has a link to archived summaries going back to 1988).

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