

Transcrime, the Research Centre on Transnational Crime, is based in the Department of Law at the University of Trento in Italy.  Its website gives an overview of the Centre's projects. The Publications page provides some titles in full and others with abstracts only. The site, including the publications, is in both English and Italian.

Western Society of Criminology

The website for the Western Society of Criminology (WSC) is an online information resource detailing the Society's membership and scope. It aims to provide criminology scholars, students, government officials and practitioners with a forum for exchanging ideas and learning about new research in the field of criminology. The site gives information about its annual meeting, including a call for papers and participants. It provides full text access to the Society's newsletter, The Western Criminologist and to its offical journal, The Western Criminology Review.

Critical Criminology

Critical Criminology is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Springer on behalf of special interest sections of the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. The journal offers postcolonial, anarchist, feminist, Marxist, cultural, integrative, peace-making, postmodernist, queer, indigenous, southern and green perspectives on criminology. It is partly open access.

Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology

The website of the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology is an online resource providing information about the Council, its purpose and its activities. The Council aims to provide the member Scandinavian governments with advice relating to issues surrounding criminology. It also awards grants for research and travel and arranges annual thematic conferences and seminars. The site includes full-text versions of its seminar reports and a newsletter published three times a year in Scandinavian languages.

International Journal of Cyber Criminology

Website of the International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC), a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal focusing on "cyber crime, cyber criminal behavior, cyber victims, cyber laws and cyber investigations". The journal is published twice a year by the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in India. The IJCC is made freely available online in full text (PDF) and is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

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