
Discover Criminal Justice

Free website providing a directory of more than 5,000 accredited criminal justice courses available in the United States, together with careers articles and interviews with criminal justice experts from academia, legal practice and the police force. All degree levels are covered by the directory, including doctoral programmes, and it includes a variety of specialisms, such as court reporting, juvenile justice, criminology, counter-terrorism, IT, international criminal justice and legal studies.

American Society of Criminology

The American Society of Criminology is an international organisation which promotes research and education in all areas of criminal justice. It has divisions focusing on corrections and sentencing; critical criminology; experimental criminology; international criminology; people of color and crime; and women and crime. The website describes the work of the Society and provides information about its annual meeting. The Publications page includes a link to criminology abstracts.

United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders

Website for the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) an online information resource providing information about the Institute's aims and activities. UNAFEI is a United Nations regional institute formed by agreement between the UN and the government of Japan. The site includes information about UNAFEI's history, organisation, facilities and staff. It gives details of current projects, including lists of training events and international seminars.

United States Sentencing Commission

Website of the United States Sentencing Commission. The Commission is an independent government agency which establishes policies on sentencing and punishment for US federal courts. It also advises Congress on crime policy and collects and publishes information on sentencing in the United States. The site publishes many documents to support and reflect the Commission's mandate including background and historical information.

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

Website of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute(UNICRI) established by the UN in1968 and based in Italy. The purpose of UNICRI is to strengthen UN initiatives on preventing criminality and juvenile delinquency. The site presents information on the Institute, its objectives and governing body and on its activities in the following areas: supporting judicial reform and promoting the rule of law: security and counter terrorism and human trafficking.

British Society of Criminology

The British Society of Criminology aims to "further the interests and knowledge, both academic and professional, of persons engaged in any aspect of teaching and research, or in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge, about crime and criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom". The Society publishes a newsletter four times a year and a conference is held every two years. Its website gives details of branch meetings.

Western Criminology Review

Western Criminology Review is the official journal of the Western Society of Criminology at Sonoma State University. The goal of WCR is to 'provide an attractive and meaningful outlet for academic areas in criminology and criminal justice'. This site provides peer reviewed papers published in full online in the fields of criminology and social justice. Readers are able to respond to articles and reader comments are subject to peer review. Both the current and past issues are available online.

Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security

Website for a research centre established by Osgoode Hall Law School (York University, Ontario, Canada) and "focusing on three thematic pillars ¹ human rights, crime and security". The site offers information about the centre's research programme and publications supported by an online newsletter, provides access to an Organized Crime and Corruption Bibliographic Database, and publishes an HTML version of "Organized Crime in North America - a Bibliography" compiled by Stephen Schneider.

International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy

The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy is an independent non-profit institute, officially affilated with the United Nations and based at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. The website contains publications, occasional papers and reports which can be ordered online or downloaded in PDF. The site gives details of the following programmes conducted by the Centre: Corrections Programme; China Programme; Transnational Organised Crime; UN Congress on Crime and International Criminal Court.

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