court of appeal

Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions

A collection of cases from the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal, available free of charge in full-text on BAILII (the British and Irish Legal Information Institute). Cases are listed alphabetically for browsing by party name or by date. They can also be searched by keyword using the BAILII site search engine. They are available for 1998 onwards. BAILII is a collaborative service aiming to provide public access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

England and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil Division) Decisions

A BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute) database containing decisions of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales. The database contains all decisions as provided by the official shorthandwriters WordWave International Ltd for the years 1996 - August 1999 and then all significant handed down decisions to date. Selected earlier decisions back to 1883 are also available. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year. The system features a sophisticated search facility and Recent Cases listing.

Nunavut Court of Appeal Decisions

A CanLII database giving access to decisions rendered by the Nunavut Court of Appeal. Simple and advanced query options are provided to search the collection, supplemented by browsing lists of decisions sorted alphabetically by style of cause and sorted by date of judgment listed by year. CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a key service providing free access to Canadian primary legal materials. The service has been designed by LexUM at the University of Montreal (using software developed by AustLII) on the initiative of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.

Court of Appeal of Vanuatu Decisions

A PacLII database containing decisions of the Court of Appeal of Vanuatu from 1984 onwards. Cases can be browsed by name or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides free access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Court of Appeal of Tonga Decisions

A PacLII database containing decisions of the Court of Appeal of Tonga from 1991 onwards. Cases can be browsed by name or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides free access  to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Court of Appeal of Samoa Decisions

A PacLII database containing decisions of the Court of Appeal of Samoa from 1982 onwards. Cases can be browsed by name or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides free access  to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Court of Appeal of Kiribati Decisions

A PacLII database containing decisions of the Court of Appeal of Kiribati from 1979 onwards. Cases can be browsed by name or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides free access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

High Court of Kiribati Decisions

A PacLII database containing judgments of the High Court of Kiribati from 1963 onwards. Cases can be browsed by name or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides free access  to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative of the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Court of Appeal of Fiji Decisions

A PacLII database containing selected decisions of the Court of Appeal of Fiji from 1966 onwards. The cases can be browsed by name or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific; it is a joint initiative of the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Court of Appeal of New Zealand decisions

An NZLII (New Zealand Legal Information Institute) web database providing free public access to selected full text decisions from the New Zealand Court of Appeal. The service includes decisions released by the Court from 1978 onwards. Full database search options, case name search and browsing alphabetically by party name or by year are available. NZLII is a joint project of the University of Otago Faculty of Law, the Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Law and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

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