council of europe

History, role and activities of the Council of Europe: facts, figures and information sources

Online guide to the Council of Europe written by Sophie Lobey of Council of Europe Publishing. The guide was published in 2005, and updated in 2023, on New York University's Globalex website. The guide provides background information about the Council of Europe including aims and functions and a list of member states. The author also gives definitions to other European institutions. The roles of the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the European Court of Human Rights are outlined.

CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe)

The CVCE website brings together resources relating to the history of European integration. Based at the University of Luxembourg, the CVCE website covers key events in the history of Europe and the development of the European Union, Western European Union, Council of Europe, European Free Trade Association and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Primary source documents, treaties, papers, cartoons, photographs and multimedia clips are provided. The section "ENA and Education" includes online textbooks, courses and lectures.

European Social Charter

Council of Europe website providing information for the public about the European Social Charter. The site includes recent news, presentations on the charter, information on the European Committee of Social Rights and a survey country by country. The site is fully searchable and available in English and French, with some sections in other languages.

Council of Europe: sport: reference texts

Collection of documents relating to sport, on the Council of Europe website. It includes the full text of the European Sports Charter (1992), CoE treaties, reports, recommendations and minutes of meetings. The subjects covered include doping, spectator violence, sports policy, ethics, sport promotion and political aspects of sport (including discrimination). The site is available in French and English.

Gender equality

Council of Europe factsheet focusing on judgments of the European Court of Human Rights dealing with human rights violations affecting women. It comments on important cases dealing with domestic violence, discrimination against single mothers, the right to keep a maiden name, protection of physical integrity and protection against trafficking in human beings. Links are given to CoE web pages dealing with gender equality and to the judgments mentioned in the factsheet.

Council of Europe: action against economic crime

Website of the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe (CoE), which brings together information on the work of relevant CoE committees. Conventions, projects, standards and details of monitoring and other activities of the CoE are grouped under the following topic headings: corruption; money laundering; cybercrime; judicial cooperation; exploitation of human beings and organised crime.


The VOTA database is produced by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and managed in cooperation with the Mexican Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF). VOTA contains national electoral legislation of Council of Europe member states, covering topics such as universal suffrage, political parties, electoral systems, referendums, voter registration, frequency of elections and polling stations. Materials provided include laws, constitutions and opinions.

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