computer law

Society for Computers and Law

The Society for Computers and Law ( SCL) exists to encourage and develop both IT for lawyers and IT related law. There is information about the Society including membership information, news items and a diary of events. Details are given of SCL specialist groups and their committee members. These deal with areas such as IT disputes, property and knowledge management. Selected articles from the SCL's journal Computers and Law can be viewed on the site. The site also provides access to web-based seminars (webinars) which are open to members and non-members of the SCL.

Virginia Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Virginia Journal of Law and Technology (VJOLT) an electronic legal journal produced by students at the University of Virginia School of Law. VJOLT contains feature articles focused on the "issues arising from the intersection of law and technology". Issues are available back to 1997 with full-text articles presented in PDF format and abstracts provided in HTML. Articles can be browsed by date or topic including biotechnology, comparative law, emerging technologies, internet, privacy, telecommunications and patent law.

Center for Democracy and Technology

Website of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC in the United States whose stated aim is "to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age". The CDT is concerned with issues such as free expression, privacy, digital copyright, cryptography and data mining. There are policy briefs and news items relating to the CDT's work along with full text reports and articles and links to relevant legislation. There is background information about the CDT's Board of Directors and Advisory Committee.

ADIJ - Association pour le Développement de l'Informatique Juridique

The Association pour le Développement de l'Informatique Juridique (ADIJ) is an organisation for those interested in legal aspects of computing. It promotes interdisciplinary research and communication between professionals and disseminates information. The website publishes details of forthcoming meetings and conferences. The "Actualit?" section features summaries of recent news in computing and law.

Canadian IT Law Association

Website of the Canadian IT Law Association (IT.Can), a professional organisation for Canadian information technology lawyers. IT.Can promotes the development and discussion of IT law through annual conferences, other events and production of a bi-monthly newsletter. Information on past and future conferences and training events and PDF copies of the newsletter are available on the site. Details are given of IT.Can committees dealing with privacy, e-commerce and outsourcing. There are documents and links relevant to outsourcing law and practice negotiations.

Internet Law Treatise

Website of the Internet Law Treatise, a collaborative online project looking at the law relating to the internet. The project is no longer active, but the site remains available for historical purposes. The ILT initiative involved attorneys and law students and is hosted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a membership organisation concerned with the civil liberties issues surrounding technology.

Indian Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) a student run journal published by the Law and Technology Committee of the Student Bar Association at the National Law School of India University. IJLT was founded in August 2004 to provide a forum for the discussion of ¶domestic and international legal issues on technology÷. The journal has articles, notes, commentary and features on current developments covering e-commerce, cyber crime, biotechnology, bioethics and intellectual property. The emphasis is on issues affecting developing nations.

Cybercrime law

Website edited by international cybercrime expert and retired judge Stein Schjolberg. Provides cybercrime news up to 2018, together with a collection of papers on the subject from 2007 to 2014.

ITU Cybersecurity Activities

Information about the work of the United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the field of cybersecurity, covering radiocommunications, fraud and cyber attacks, child online protection and more. Provides resources for governments, the public and businesses, including good practice guides, reports, studies, a repository of national cybersecurity strategies and the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Index. Also includes news and details of events.

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