competition law

Centre for Competition Law and Policy

Website of the Centre for Competition Law and Policy (CCLP) at the University of Oxford. Teaching and research focuses on competition regulation in the UK, EU and US, as well international aspects of competition law and antitrust economics. Training programmes on competition law and policy are offered to practitioners, judges, academics and students. The site has profiles of staff and details of conferences, workshops and lectures taking place at the CCLP.

FTC guide to antitrust laws

Online guide to the antitrust laws of the United States produced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and made freely available on the FTC website. The site gives an overview of the three core federal antitrust laws- theSherman Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act. There are also sections dealing with the bodies responsible for enforcing the law, monopolies, mergers, price discrimination and competitor collaboration including practices such as price fixing, market division and bid rigging. Each section can be viewed in HTML and as a PDF factsheet.

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