civil procedure

Luxembourg Justice Portal

Portal to Luxembourg judicial information provided by the General Prosecutor's Office. There is an outline of the judicial system with information on the judiciary and the various courts. Practical information is given aimed at people coming into contact with the judicial system covering both criminal and civil issues. There is also guidance on employment law. Full text judgements of the Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation and Administrative Courts can be downloaded from the site. The site can be viewed in French only.

Scottish Civil Justice Council

Website of the Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) the body set up in 2013 to replace the Court of Session Rules Council and the Sheriff Court Rules Council. The SCJC prepares draft rules of procedure for the civil courts and is responsible for keeping the civil justice system under review. The site has information on the membership of the Council and copies of minutes, papers and annual reports. There is also information and associated documentation on the various SCJC committees.

Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Ministry of Justice: Procedure Rules

Collection of procedure rules for different types of litigation in England and Wales, provided by the UK Ministry of Justice. Consists of the Civil Procedure Rules, Criminal Procedure Rules, Family Procedure Rules and other rules that apply to the magistrates courts and Crown Court. Practice directions, court forms and court guides are also available.  

Civil Justice Reform Evaluation: Emerging Findings: an Early Evaluation of the Civil Justice Reforms

This paper from the Lord Chancellor's Department documents the emerging findings from the first phase of the Civil Justice Reforms, introduced in April 1999. These reforms were introduced following Lord Woolf's 'Access to Justice' report. The report discusses recent trends in litigation, the settlement and resolution of claims, trends in alternative dispute resolution, the impact of case management conferences, evidence on costs, and the views of litigants on the reforms. Many statistical tables are included.

Civil Justice Council

The Civil Justice Council is a UK public body which was set up under the Civil Procedure Act 1997 to keep the civil justice system under review, to advise the government and to make research proposals. Its web pages provide information about CJC working parties and make available publications including responses to official consultations, research papers and annual reports.

European Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters

The European Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters is an EU website providing information for those involved in cross-border litigation in Europe. The site includes contact details for courts in EU member states and guidance relating to the service of documents, taking of evidence and the recognition and enforcement of judgments. There is a collection of forms that can be completed online. Although the site is concerned with civil and commercial litigation, there is also a link to information about compensation for victims of crime.

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit organisation which aims to foster a fair, accessible and effective civil justice system. Its website has information about research programmes, including reports by the Forum's Action Committee. There is an inventory of civil justice reforms in Canada from 1950 onwards (with links to relevant documents), a blog, a bibliography (with links) called the 'Clearinghouse' and a newsletter. The site can be viewed in English or French.

Supreme Court of Jamaica

The official website of the Supreme Court of Jamaica provides free access to Supreme Court and Appeal Court judgments in PDF format back to 1997. A small number of Jamaican acts and a collection of online civil procedure forms are also made available in full as PDF documents. Background information about plans to computerise the Jamaican courts and details of the court reporting training programme are also given on the website. There is a page of links to other Jamaican government and legal websites.

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